
Rabu, 13 April 2016

Pasta salad light recipe

Pasta salad light recipe
A good pasta salad can be safely a single dish. If you use small amounts and many tasty vegetables, it will be a wonderful recipe, fully light and suitable for your diet. This combination with tomatoes, carrots, olives and peppers is really tasty. You just have to try and see which will become habitual in your low calorie menu.


50 grams short pasta
A tomato
A small carrot
A handful of green olives
Medium red pepper
Fresh basil leaves
Salt and pepper

Cook the pasta until it is ready. Drain and pass it in cold water and is now ready to be used. Grate the carrots, cut the tomato into cubes, sliced ​​olives and peppers into thin strips.

Now is the time to mix all ingredients. Seasoned with olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Add some fresh basil leaves and light enjoying this delicious pasta, perfect to eat anytime and totally satisfying salad.

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