
Selasa, 12 April 2016

So you hydrate well

According to a pioneering study on beverage consumption by IMS Health and endorsed by the SENC more 2,500 physicians:

• Some components such as minerals and electrolytes are associated with better hydration and drinks containing

• The taste is another benefit of beverages currently available in the market by encouraging fluid intake and healthy hydration

• The study demonstrates the ability of hydration decreases with drinks containing alcohol where almost a third of doctors consider alcohol as a very unhealthy ingredient. This includes drinks both high and low graduation.

• The study also shows that the doctor is conscious of its role in recommending drinks and is aware of the importance of healthy eating. Thus, about 90% of physicians and specialists recommend their patients about hydration and / or drinks

The drinks we consume play an important role in our health and wellness. Our body consists of almost 80% water, which explains the need to keep hydrated for proper operation. However, water is not the only way of hydration, as there is on the market a wide variety of drinks besides moisturizing provide beneficial nutrients for our body.

Some components such as minerals and electrolytes are associated with better hydration. Thus, the variety of drinks available today contributes to healthy hydration and some as isotonic are considered by doctors as the most moisturizing after water, according to a study by the consulting firm IMS Health and endorsed by the Spanish Society of Nutrition Community (SENC).

A pioneer, the study entitled "Doctor, what drink to improve my health and well being?" Reflects the recommendations of 2500 physicians and specialists beverage consumption, in order to respond to the demand for information by consumers current concerned about healthy consumption.

The study also highlights that the doctor is fully conscious of their role in decision making and how patient drinks we choose influence our well-being. Thus, about 90% of respondents reported having made some specialists recommendation on hydration and / or drinks to the patients who come to the consultation.

Most experts consider necessary to drink 1.5 to 2 liters a day.

To achieve healthy hydration, physicians are committed to the diversity of drinks considering the benefits to the consumer. As stated by Dr. Javier Aranceta, eying the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition, "in our daily life, stress, increased perspiration, ... necessary to drink besides water, drinks enriched that we provide other nutrients." In this regard, the expert indicates that substances such as electrolytes, vitamins, antioxidants ... can improve the nutritional profile.

    The flavor contributes to healthy hydration

The taste is another beneficial factors hydration diversity based beverage. "The pleasure experienced by the consumer as a result of flavor that has the drink helps to get healthy by encouraging increased fluid intake hydration," says the sociologist Francisco Alvira, a specialist in consumer habits and Director of the Department of Sociology Complutense University of Madrid.

therapeutic function of modern drinks
    Facultative include the therapeutic action of some drinks consumption. Thus, many of its recommendations are aimed at relieving symptoms and health problems such as gastroenteritis, fatigue, poor digestion or controlling voltage levels in blood.
    "The body is able to manage normal consumption of conventional water, but when the need arises a situation of fever, vomiting, gastroenteritis ... we need to cover this water deficit with the use of other drinks that provide electrolytes and other substances that allow better water management in the body, "explains Dr. Aranceta.

negative effects of excessive consumption of water and / or alcohol

    Another false beliefs about beverage consumption is to believe in the goodness of alcoholic beverages. "Alcohol is an addictive substance, which also has a large caloric intake and few nutrients," says Alvira.
    Doctors study reflect concern about the health damage that can lead to alcohol and more than 33 views alcohol as the most harmful to health ingredient.
    "The alcoholic beverages do not contribute to hydration because many have a reverse effect, this is dehydrate amount. This effect explains the feeling of thirst that appears after a night we have consumed these drinks, "explains Dr. Aranceta.

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