
Selasa, 12 April 2016

Can I make a diet without vegetables?

My small son takes very few vegetables and I can not eat and make. Is it possible to substitute other foods?
No, it is not possible. You must introduce these foods attractively. A good idea? Use pureed vegetables to thicken soups. And prepare desserts with vegetables (carrot cakes, pumpkin sweet snacks ...). It also gives good results when the child is old enough, ask him to help us in preparing vegetables.
Other ways? Cut into triangles or circles or include them in custards of meat, fish and egg, vegetables also make pizzas or kebabs with vegetables, vegetable Lasagna, market gardeners tortillas ...
The diet should be balanced and contain all the nutrients from the food pyramid. No one can do without vegetables, which are a source of vitamins and minerals. No foods that can substitute vegetables; if your child does not incorporate the necessary nutrients you need to supplement guided by your pediatrician.
5 a day, always
At all stages of life, 5 a day is the minimum number of servings of fruits and vegetables that we eat every day if we want to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
Consume fresh fruits and vegetables helps prevent various diseases such as cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders, some cancers and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as help in the fight against overweight and obesity.
We provide fewer calories (less than 70 kcal per 100 grams of edible part) and saturated fat (less than 1% of its weight, with exceptions such as avocado with 12% by weight), and help us to reduce the intake of other foods because they produce satiety. They are convenience foods because they are easy to cook and very easy to find in stores. More information

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