
Jumat, 08 April 2016

Benefits of Lemon Diet

One of the biggest benefits of lemon diet is that it promises to drop a pant size in a week. And it meets.

The lemon diet is one of the most effective diets that exist, and therefore one of the most used by all people who want to lose weight.

In this blog you have this diet you should eat all day. You can find it at the end of this article. But I recommend that before you put this, read the benefits that this diet is for your body, apart from the obvious: lose kilos.
Benefits of Lemon Diet to lose weight
The lemon diet is actually a detox diet

This diet was originally intended as a diet to cleanse the body. Detoxification of this diet involves dissolving and removing toxins from the body, cleansing the digestive system and kidneys, purification of the glands removing hardened in the joints and muscles substances and a reduction in pressure in the vessels blood and nervous system.

benefits of lemon diet

With all the lemonade you drink your kidneys get better cleanse the blood of toxins and eliminate them more easily. To drink as much lemonade renal function improves, thereby more urine and clearer occurs. The same goes feces are removed with less effort because they are less dry. This is the way your body gets rid of waste, it is detoxified.
One of the best benefits of lemon diet is that you rapid weight loss

    Because it is a low calorie diet, although quite balanced, it allows you to lose 4 kilos in a week.

4 kilos equals one pant size. It is a diet, so very fast, you have to be careful with the rebound effect.
The lemon diet keeps you hydrated

With this diet you have to drink lemonade nothing more get up. In addition, depending on the day, you should include lemonade at other meals. Lemonade is the basis of this diet.

Also it preceded by a day of fasting where you have to make a vegetable soup at lunch and as much lemonade throughout the day. The diet also prescribes drink a glass of water.

    "The importance of hydration in a diet is vital"

Most diets reduce the number of calories, which your body accuses the lack, we need to compensate with liquid. Hydration is essential to life itself.

dietary benefits-of-lemon
The lemon diet Just weeklong!

A week prior day detox, if you want to do things right. :)

Although this diet requires willpower, so short duration allows it to be easily done. Although everything depends on the weight you want to lose.

You can not lose much weight you can interrupt at any time: you've managed to lose weight and cleanse your body equally.

Although you should keep in mind that weight is likely to return if you do not care your diet after diet.
Other benefits of lemon diet is that it uses very healthy food

This diet is not based on any pills, or supplements or special foods.

diet of fruits and vegetables

On the contrary, the basis of this diet are fruits, vegetables and juices but also includes animal protein such as milk, eggs and fish. This makes it a fairly healthy diet.

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