
Selasa, 26 April 2016

Good eating habits for children

Good eating habits for children, the period of life that covers preschool and school age is from 3 to 12 years, and is characterized by significant advances in learning and personality development of children. There is a soft physical growth and it is time to develop good eating habits. The noon meal usually made in the study center for parents and are four key moments of their food: breakfast, midmorning, afternoon tea and dinner. The child and parents receive information from different points but it is important that comes through the television, and parents often are not clear.

Only an absolute conviction that health is at stake and physical and intellectual future of children will allow correct criteria apply. These can be: A good breakfast, juice or fruit, milk, yogurt or cheese or bread and cereals; animal protein, fish, meat, eggs and milk or milk if there is no other way, in purees; complex carbohydrates, boosting cereals, potatoes and vegetables, which provide fiber, low fat calories and slow; especially milk and milk yogurt, whole if the child is accustomed, with monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil) and polyunsaturated omega-3, very important calcium and yogurt with live lactic acid bacteria that regenerate the intestinal flora.

The bread is irreplaceable and must be present daily in sandwiches are the best tentepie and great morning snack; not forget that the snack is essential away from pastries and loaded with fat "trans" very harmful industrial pastries; always cook for children with iodized salt, because they eat fish with difficulty and iodine is essential for brain development; fresh fruit and vegetables to ensure vitamins A and C, even in smoothies or disguised with other dishes that provide protection against infections; promote the consumption of nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc) midmorning with the corresponding packet or snack; not eating breakfast, snacking or never dine alone, the family is fundamental, and are curious if the kitchen can be fun to enhance the taste of food and so create good eating habits in children nuestroa.

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