
Rabu, 13 April 2016

Low-calorie recipes pasta

Without any doubt, the pastas are usually forbidden territory within a diet to lose weight, as they have many carbohydrates. But it is also true that, if eaten in moderate portions and accompanied with sauces that are not too caloric, would not have to be eradicated from the diet. You have many interesting options to draw on.

You can try any of these three light pasta recipes:

Pasta salad light: This is a recipe that I particularly love. The proposed version is designed to actually incorporate fewer calories, since it is all with vegetables. But if you have an "extra" allowed, you can add dice low fat cheese, a little lean ham or some anchovy fillets well drained.
light with shrimp paste: This is perfect for seafood lovers. It is a recipe that is easily prepared, it does not take too long and that eventually combine well with the pasta. In addition, the sauce with a touch of white wine will wonders.
light pasta with arugula pesto: Another recipe that fascinates me and I prepare quite often. Arugula can replace basil quietly in a pesto. His notes reminiscent of nuts are perfect with pasta. And your calories are really scarce, as in all green leaves.

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