
Selasa, 12 April 2016

7 menus "shelter" and help you lose weight

Ideas and tips for healthy eating and lose the extra kilos during the winter. A weekly plan with all the necessary nutrients to prevent diseases. easy and appealing recipes.

Low temperatures make many who were watching stop doing the cold. They justify it by saying "the winter requires more calories"; however this is not true for those who spend only cold going from home to work or other activities and then there are in warm places. The winter energy requirement increases in those who are in need of working outdoors.

What is needed in winter time is to choose hot, hearty, harmonicas meals so that then when the cold goodbye to us, not the kilos have accumulated.

Dietary dishes are an excellent resource for inclusion in the weekly menu. Moreover, even if you're cold, be sure to include a salad per day, to give your body the nutrients mainly provide raw fruits and vegetables.

I suggest you make this menu and you will feel that you are not torturing or restricting your calories. It's all about using easy and appealing recipes that will help you not gain weight.

If you stick to good eating habits and physical activity as you include second pillar, step by step you go losing weight daily.

7 day meal plan

Breakfast and snacks
½ cup skim milk and sweetener infusion. Breakfast: two slices of whole grain bread unroasted skim ricotta cheese. In snacks, five days repeat breakfast and two days replace whole wheat sandwich unroasted 1 finite feta cheese low fat content.

1 small handful of dried fruits (15 almonds or 10 walnut halves).

Mid afternoon
1 is not ripe banana.

Before going to sleep
1 glass of warm milk

Quantities of food by category

Meat: size of the palm of the hand (preferably in lunches).
Lean cuts red, pork, sea fish, skinless poultry. Tuna or mackerel natural: 1 latita.

All raw vegetables or steamed and colors: 1 soup dish per meal.
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, brown rice, quinoa, bulgur (the latter three, cooked): size of a fist. In lunches and dinners.

Pasta: 1 medium dish and cooked (al dente), mixed with the soup plate of steamed vegetables.

Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans, soya): fist-sized (Cooked).

Seasoning: 1 teaspoon of oil dessert.
Vinegar or balsamic vinegar or lemon juice: enough.

Fruit: 1 unit after lunches and dinners.

Clarification: If you do not like any cut of meat or viscera, you can replace that pleases you but always considering it a lean cut.
It is true that the kidney is an organ that is high in fat. However when included sporadically is allowed.

Lunch: dietary kidney stew and rice.
Dinner: noodles with chili sauce.

Lunch: 1 breaded meat on onion and tomato to absorb moisture and not dry. Salad all raw colors and / or steamed. Choclo (can be canned).
Dinner: paella serrano wheat and vegetables.

Lunch: pork ribs in red wine.
Dinner: vegetarian stew with vegetables.

Lunch: fish timbale.
Dinner: stuffed eggplant Neapolitan.

Lunch: chicken with creamy light of cream. Add potato or brown rice.
Dinner: green salad. ½ grilled vegetable ravioli with sauce fileto without using oil during cooking without grated cheese. If you prefer cheese, you have this resource: place a very small portion in the freezer and after 10 minutes it removed and scratched.

Lunch: fish with white sauce and vegetables. Sweet potato.
Dinner: Stuffed mushrooms with bulgur.

day 7
Lunch: Carree with plum sauce (add brown rice).
Dinner: salad. 1 serving of chard or spinach lasagna.

- Do not skip meals.
- Take mineral water, mint tea, green (1 liter) tea.
- Perform (if possible daily) aerobic physical activity: tennis, paddle, walk or climb stairs.
- Avoid salt and sugar.
- Use aromatic seasonings: garlic, parsley, oregano, pepper, nutmeg, etc.
- Having a proper night's sleep.
- Remember that alcohol helps to increase your waist.

This and other examples of menus that appear in Clarin Buena Vida are indicated for those who have conditions added to overweight or obese or other special situations in which necessarily must make a personalized eating plan.

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