
Minggu, 24 April 2016

The Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is based on eating large amounts of protein and low carbohydrate diet, arguing for it that the body finds it easier to burn carbohydrates than protein, which converts carbohydrates into energy and stores proteins in fat. Thus, this diet limits the power supply to body fat, so that the body begins to consume causing weight loss.

On this basis, 90% of the Atkins diet consists of protein, regardless of their cholesterol content, and fat, regardless of whatever type

red meat
red sausages meat
Milk creams
plain yogurt, etc.


The other 10% are carbohydrates that are obtained from vegetables, limiting the maximum pasta, flour, rice, breads, vegetables, sugars, alcoholic beverages and milk.

fruits and vegetables rich in fiber should also be avoided, since it prevents the absorption of fat in the intestine. Green vegetables are limited to 50 grams per meal. Thus, the first week lost four kilos at the expense of removing water and then slows down to reach six kilos per month.

The Atkins diet has been severely criticized by many doctors because of their side effects:

An important contribution of lipids causes increased blood cholesterol, which can lead to cardiovascular problems, including heart attack.
There is evidence that a diet rich in protein and saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers.
Also causes an increase in uric acid.
The absence of carbohydrates causes fatigue, muscular decay, nausea, etc.
Weight loss is directly related loss of muscle mass.
The absence of fiber produces constipation and therefore metabolic waste accumulation.
Eliminating fruits, cereals and other foods leads to a lack of essential nutrients for the body, such as vitamins and minerals.

In addition to this, another problem with the Atkins diet is that, like all the miracle diets, prevents the re-education of the patient in terms of eating habits, so that, after fulfilling the goals of weight loss, to restore normal power called yo-yo effect and the weight is regained quickly it occurs.

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