
Minggu, 24 April 2016

You know what diets consist of a single food?

A single food diet can lead to rapid weight loss, among other reasons for its low energy content.

There are many miracle diets that are based on the consumption of a single type of food:

Artichoke diet
Apple diet
Grapefruit Diet
Chicken Diet
Egg diet
Diet bacon
Rice Diet
Diet pulp
Maple Syrup Diet
Potato diet
Soup diet eat-fats, etc.
As an example, apple diet contains less than 1,000 kilo calories, ie half the energy consumption of a normal diet. What they do not say who the advocate is that if prolonged can cause serious deficiency states minimally, as a single food does not contain, let alone all the necessary nutrients for the body. Moreover, the weight loss at the expense it is apples muscle mass and water loss.

Are often promoted with the promise of very healthy effects beyond simple weight loss: detoxifying, diuretic, reducing cholesterol, etc., without such claims have no scientific basis.

A common factor to all these diets is that they are very monotonous, excessively low-calorie, which often cause intense hunger and cause undesirable side effects such as intestinal problems: bloating, cramping and diarrhea, or in some abdominal cases swelling. They can also cause anemia, anxiety, irritability, dry skin, hair loss, cold intolerance, and other specific effects of deficiency states.

Finally, the main problem of a single food diets is called yo-yo effect, since the weight that may have lost recovers very quickly from the time the energy intake of a normal diet is resumed.

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