
Senin, 11 April 2016

New properties of wine

Every so often comes to light a study showing the positive effects of wine, especially the red, health. Because of updates.


    This time is the University of Kentucky (USA) which has found that the vast majority of leukemia cells die when exposed to an extract of grape seed, leaving healthy cells undamaged. In previous studies the effects of this same extract against cancer cells otherwise, such as skin cancers, breast, colon, lung, stomach and prostate were also investigated, although the finding of these effects to a hematological cancer, such as leukemia, myeloma and lymphoma is of relevant importance since the mechanism of this cancer is markedly different from the rest. Another avoidable cancer through the moderate consumption of red wine could be the esophagus. Drinking a glass of wine a day may be enough to reduce by 56 percent the risk of this disease, according to a US study published in Gastroenterology.


    While still investigating the positive effects of wine on some cancers, what is proven is its cardioprotective benefits (due, probably, to some substances called flavonoids): wine raises HDL, or good cholesterol and prevents oxidation contrary, LDL also prevent platelets from clumping of blood clots forming and cerebral ischaemia and thrombi formation.

How much wine is healthy?

    The reduction of coronary risk attributed to red wine is observed, in fact, alcohol in general, according to experts from the European Union. Its protective effect to the heart occurs in the case of an approximate consumption between a glass and a glass half a day (10 to 20 g. Alcohol). Further, the beneficial effects are counteracted by harmful. These favorable effects are only observed in the case of daily consumption: not worth taking the seven glasses of wine on a weekend!

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