
Minggu, 10 April 2016

The Portfolio Diet: the method reduces your bad cholesterol

The Portfolio Diet is not a new miracle diet. It is a scientifically proven system that reduces bad cholesterol levels while helping us to preserve or restore the line. Does your creed? Common sense!

Over the years, diets that have appeared have always promised all sorts of "miracles". Gradually, this trend is beginning to change and are increasingly less restrictive diets, above all, respect the body's needs. The Portfolio Diet go on this line. Although not a "revolutionary" regime nutritionist and dietitian according Foucaut Florence, the truth is that it is as effective as anti-cholesterol medicines and also helps us to recover the line.
The bases of the Portfolio diet

The Portfolio diet appeared in early 2000. wrote Professor Jenkins, professor of nutrition at the University of Toronto, and his team. The goal was to treat patients suffering hypercholesterol. "We knew the effects of fiber and rich in phytosterols on cholesterol food and this diet reduced bad cholesterol rates thanks to a very particular selection of food," explains Florence Foucaut.

The diet is based on consuming phytosterols and soluble fibers (found in vegetables and vegetables), good fats and, finally, lean meat.
The secret of fitoteroles?

The fitoteroles are for vegetables which cholesterol is to humans and animals: lipid compounds necessary for the cells. The fitoteroles "are, naturally, in cereals," says Florence Foucaut, "and in certain fortified products such as margarine." But to the expert "we know that products enriched with phytosterols lower cholesterol and, according to the ANSES, have no effect in preventing cardiovascular disease. This type of product to patients who have severe hypercholesterol and consume little vegetables and cereals "is not advised.
The practice diet Portfolio

The Portfolio diet preserves a varied diet, which does not always happen in all regimes. Specifically, it is to consume foods rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, whole grains), in legumes (chickpeas, lentils, white beans) and replace red meat with fish and white meat.

"No food is not prohibited," says Florence Faucaut, "but you have to use logic and limit fats, such as sausages", and pastries.
Some clues to adopt a diet Portfolio * in your day to day:
Eat vegetables and 1 piece of fruit at each meal
Give preference to fish instead of meat
Replace red meat with white meat
Replace the pasta lentils or peas
Replace butter with olive oil
As post, always choose a fruit, a fruit salad or compote with no added sugar
Consume almonds if you get hooked, about 20 a day

Given the case you among ravenous, you can make an exception and eat some black chocolate with 70% cocoa and fruit

* It is recommended not to exceed 300 mg. of cholesterol a day.
Effectiveness diet Portfolio

The main attraction of the Portfolio diet is effective because it reduces bad cholesterol rates. A study by Professor Jenkins also showed the following results: the scientists found a decrease of bad cholesterol between 28 and 35% in those participants who followed the Portfolio2 diet, compared with the results of participants taking statins , anti-cholesterol drug reference.
The secret of bad cholesterol?

"It is important to keep a low cholesterol rate, as there is a clear link between heart disease and cholesterol," says our professional. In fact, in Spain, cardiovascular diseases are responsible for over 125,000 deaths a year3.
The advantages of the Portfolio diet

Anti-cholesterol: In addition to lowering bad cholesterol indices, the Portfolio diet has no negative impact on the good cholesterol.

Anti-kilos: soluble fibers swell in the stomach and create a feeling of satiety. Every time you will have less "eating attacks". Moreover, as the Portfolio diet is based on foods with a low glycemic index, also it helps keep the line.

Balanced: it is a very varied diet that allows (re) take good eating habits without being too demanding. You will not have to deprive yourself of anything or frustrate you. Foucaut to Florence, this regime "implies a higher fiber intake and reduced meat rich in lipids. There is no risk of deficiency because the diet is based on food choices necessary and complementary".
The boundaries of the Portfolio diet

slimming appearance: Florence Foucaut not want to forget the slimming power of the Portfolio diet: "with this regimen, the patient will lose weight if, before, was an unbalanced diet for a woman who already was a varied and balanced diet, slimming benefits will be. minor ".

Risk of constipation: the basis of this diet is a diet rich in fibers can cause digestive disorders and constipation. "Soluble fibers slow traffic and promote constipation, while insoluble fibers accelerate it and, therefore, can cause diarrhea. It is therefore important to monitor the balance of the fibers. And people with a sensitive intestinal transit should have very carefully "and drink lots of water.

Lack of exercise: This diet does not insist too much on the practice of physical activity, but it is fundamental. Do not forget that cholesterol causes are multiple. It is important to exercise, but not too hard. "I always advise my patients to take a walk every day: 10,000 steps a day is a good start to be fit."
The Portfolio diet, for whom?

This diet is recommended, especially to people suffering hypercholesterol. And, since it is rich in fiber and has satiating properties, also it advised people with "an unbalanced diet" who want to lose some pounds without later retrieval. But in general, "is a common-sense rules that everyone can follow for life, because, after all, is a healthy habit!".

As always, it is best to consult your doctor and / or dietitian.

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