
Kamis, 14 April 2016

Tortilla light wholemeal

Comprehensive pancakes to eat without guilt
The omelets or pancakes made with whole wheat is an excellent choice for those who want to eat something that has to do with the world of flour, but without being directly bread or something too fattening. They are finite, they do not demand a lot of work and will not add too many calories to your daily diet.

If you want to try to incorporate integral to your diet tortillas, you can try the option that will give you in this article, a simple mixture of flour, oil, water and salt, nothing more than that. As always, eating whole grains is alkalizing and much better than doing it in its traditional format. For this reason, let not follow this simple recipe.

Ingredients (for about 10 tortillas):

300g wholemeal flour
125 ml of warm water
50 ml of neutral oil (sunflower, for example)

Place flour in a bowl with salt. Add the oil and knead until you have left a somewhat sandy texture. That's the time you have to start incorporating little water. The idea is that the dough is smooth, it appears from the vessel and not stick to your hands. Like you will see that the mass of wholemeal flour is up even easier to work with than one of refined white flour.

Once you have the bun dough ready, cover it and let it stand for at least 15 minutes. Then you will not have more than cut the dough into about ten rolls of equal size and start stretching. First with the palm of your hand, to give a rounded shape, then with a rolling pin, that will facilitate this task fairly.

Once they are very fine, you just have to cook directly on a hot skillet sprayed with vegetable spray only. You will see that begin to swell and turn brown on one side and then proceed in the same way the other. Thus, as they will be ready to be filled with any plant or product that will not demand a lot of calories. For example, whole wheat tortillas prepared with these few light tuna or zucchini tacos, which are great in both options tacos.

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