
Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Some people have more problems in section exercise for weight loss

Many people in your goal to lose weight sent me questions to find an exercise routine that really works for weight loss because it takes time doing the typical gym exercises or cardio prolonged and note that the results obtained are poor.

A good workout routine to lose weight provides several health benefits, better body composition, increased strength, better overall fitness, better sleep and reduced inflammatory markers.

Paragraph diet is usually quite easy to do, simply must prioritize good fats, carbohydrates and protein quality, the same foods that have been selected in a natural way to attract our taste buds.

If so, some people have more difficulty following an exercise program to help you achieve weight loss.

At first glance, this should not be a big problem.

Following the conventional tendency would be to not do cardio sessions long lasting and no more than half hour of gym workouts right?

Surely if you're one of those people who have followed the trend set by gyms, an hour of combined slot machines with an hour of cardio you seen that not conseguĂ­as the body you wanted, that body that combines strength and definition, all with a good health.

So what exercises to do, how to do, how often?


I will answer all your questions so you finally discover an exercise plan that allows you to achieve your fitness goals, combined good health, we will continue to do so the guidelines set by the evolutionary plan.

This "plan" training with some staples (squats, sprints, a lot of aerobic activity low level), but usually the training program that I present you provides a framework for those looking to combine a wide variety of movements , routines and exercises to keep everything fresh.


The training plan for the week is as follows:

    Monday: Sprint.

    Tuesday: Training heavy things.

    Wednesday: Slow movement, have fun or rest

    Thursday: Rest.

    Friday: Slow movement, have fun or rest

    Saturday: Training heavy things.

    Sunday: slow movement fun or rest.


The name of the exercise is self-explanatory: run very, very fast in short distances.

Unless we have had an injury, we are all made to do sprints, so it is a basic element of evolutionary movement.

In this work exercise both aerobic and anaerobic capacity, plus the secretion of growth hormone, fat is mobilized, and the development of maximum power is favored.

In short, if you want to build muscle mass and burn body fat, the sprints are a great way to get. One day a week is enough.

Compare the bodies of a sprinter and a marathon runner Which would you like to be like?

But not all are equal sprints What advise?

Personally I love sprints on the beach (help cushion the impact and increase resistance) or maybe some sprints uphill (on a hill), when I had my knee problem, this kind of sprints helped to reduce the impact on the joint.

You can also do sprints uphill with a bicycle, or sprints in a pool.

I personally think that the sprints should be maximum effort at all times, so I do not usually do Tabata sprints sprints in my days I feel I have less energy.

20-second sprints with 10 seconds rest (Tabata sprints) are not suitable for most people to maintain maximum effort.

If you can maintain maximum speed for 20 seconds with 8 reps, 10 seconds rest between each, perfect, but you can start with more breaks, such as a sprint of 20 seconds with 1 minute break.

Take the time you need to recharge between sprints, you can do it on grass, sand or asphalt as a last resort.

Personally I love doing sprints barefoot on the beach, if you can do it is fantastic.

As you see this training session also has the benefit of being fast, in 10 minutes you will have made the.


To achieve our goal of having a defined body fat and strength training is perfect.

I recommend you do two to 3 workouts a week, ever again. This training is very intense so it is very important that the body plenty of rest between each workout.

Exercises always compounds, ie, where many muscles work in each exercise, exercises such as squats, the press (banking and military), power clean with bar, dominated, plates. Hard work and honest.

Later you can add other exercises this training to begin with we will focus on these major exercises.

If you are a beginner strength training you have two workouts a week with bar.



    Squats 3 x 5
    Bench Press 3 x 5
    Dips in parallel. 2 to failure


    Dead Weight 2 x 5
    Shoulder Press 3 x 5
    3 Until dominated ruling

These are only suggestions. Do not hesitate to make changes and try different exercises (but at least do squats).

I explain for example the sets and reps for squats, would be 3 x 5, ie, 3 sets with 5 repetitions each. Dips and dominated in I put 2 or 3 to failure, ie, 2 or 3 repetitions to you to hold it.

For those who do not feel safe with the bar or can not have a can do training with dumbbell, it would be something like this:


    Squat in the air
    You dominated.


    Squat in the air
    You dominated

For best results I suggest a workout with bar, rather than weight.


Day interval workouts high intensity is exhausting. It is a workout for people who are willing to give everything to achieve their goals, luckily it's only once a week.

routine exercise to lose weight

The key here is metabolic conditioning exercises you can do with compounds made as quickly as possible and with little rest to build muscle and anaerobic endurance.

The HIIT (interval training high intensity) can be done in many ways, from a simple training ten rounds five dominated ten pushups and fifteen squats, the Tabata intervals you said at the beginning of this article (sprints, burpees, squats , pull-ups, etc).

In the coming weeks I will update this article with new workout routines that allow you to achieve your goals, a free body fat and defined.


We are three very important points, rest, fun and slow movement. We have made this type of activity for Wednesday, Friday and Sunday (see training plan top).

routines to lose weight

It is important to listen to the signals your body sends you, trust yourself to make the right decision.

If you're tired of training a week, take it easy. It is key that the muscle fibers have their time to repair.

If you have little energy left you can take a walk or just move slowly. Enjoy nature without turning it into a workout.

If you have left a lot of energy, you can carry a heavy backpack, walking in the mountains and do some dominated in some strong branch (safety first).

You can also use these days to play with your kids, the dog, with friends or with strangers they organize some fun activity, I personally love the paddle and organize parties with neighbors.

If your idea of ​​a fun time is to exercise more, no problem, you can do some strength training or aerobic training something. While you're enjoying what you do, you're officially playing and having fun.

3 days off could be many, but if you notice that you need any problems. Strength training and days of Sprint and HIIT can be very intense and leave you exhausted, so if you feel you need, rest.

It's up to you.

Well, I think this is a good start.

This simple plan provides details so that you get to take the right direction that allows you to achieve your goals, it also provides flexibility to suit different fitness levels.

You can make changes or polishing details, but overall this is a solid foundation for anyone interested in a Primitive training.

This plan is the guide to build strength, burn fat and strengthen your health.

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