
Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Breakfast cereals

 Many patients ask us about breakfast cereals.
Advertising leads us to think that there are some destined to lose weight, others to help us go to the bathroom, other children ...

The reality is that most cereals market, provide almost the same calories:
- All-Bran: 375 Kcal / 100g
- Special K: 390 Kcal / 100g
- Cocoa Krispies: 390 Kcal / 100g
- Smacks: 390 Kcal / 100g

The recommended ration for a person between 20 and 40 g (depending on whether it is male or female, weight, nutritional objective and physical activity).

As we have seen that the calories of different cereals are very similar, when choosing them should look at two important aspects:
1. Amount of fiber per serving: The higher, the better.
2. Amount of saturated fat per serving: The smaller, the better, avoid problems with cholesterol and triglycerides.

As you look at the expiration date of food recalls from now reviewing the content in fiber, high in saturated fat and calories :)
With that small gesture you can improve your diet profile :)

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