
Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Wholemeal bread is better than white for diet?

Wholemeal bread is better than white for diet?

As I overtook yesterday, today began a series of micropost to give a quick and easy to many of the questions that arise daily to patients when they start dieting response.

The first question is: Is it better INTEGRAL WHITE BREAD FOR DIET?
Best diet for white or brown bread

Actually, they fatten almost the same, look at the data:
- 100 g of white bread provide 261 Kcal.
- 100 g wholemeal provide 221 Kcal.
- 100 g of whole wheat toast provide 265 Kcal.

The minimal calorie difference.

The great advantage of wholemeal bread over white bread, is that the former provides more amount of fiber:

- 100 g of white bread provide 3.5 g of vegetable fiber
- 100 g of whole wheat vegetable fiber provide 7.5
- 100 g of whole wheat toast provide 8.7 g of vegetable fiber.

So, actually, although wholemeal bread is advertised as ideal for diets, it does not help us lose weight faster.
Yes it gives us more of fiber, which is great for health and bowel function but not wholemeal bread less fattening than white bread.

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