
Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

The importance of carbohydrates in the diet

Carbohydrates are the major source of energy in human food. In some poor countries food is almost exclusively carbohydrate, while currently the most developed countries the carbohydrate percentages of the food ration tend to be lower than it would be advisable, which could lead to an increase in lipid intake, because of various pathologies.

Carbohydrates are important for the body found mostly in plant energy substances, although there are also in the animal kingdom.

Glucose to the brain
It is important to have an adequate intake of carbohydrates because they can be used by all cells of our body.

Most of these can be used either fat or carbohydrates for energy but tissues, especially the nervous system and red blood cells using only glucose in normal conditions, unable to metabolize fats and proteins for energy.

If food does not contain carbohydrates, which supply glucose, the body itself will have to be formed from muscle protein.

In addition low levels of insulin not take carbohydrates, it produces a lipid mobilization of fatty acids increase blood. Liver fatty acids degrade ketone bodies formed, leading to ketoacidosis, producing a blood acidity and water loss.

A diet without carbohydrates causes weight loss but has big risks: The large weight loss that occurs during the first two or three days is glycogen breakdown, by not eating carbohydrates, the most available source is existing as liver glycogen. This component is stored in hydrated form (3g of water per g of glycogen), so the loss thereof leads to a reduction of over 1kg weight (glycogen + water of hydration)

These diets are often rich in protein and fat also are usually deficient in vitamins and minerals, so they are not healthy.

The recommendations in our country place the contribution of carbohydrate between 50 and 60% of the total dietary energy. For example, if a 2000 kcal daily feeding is, a little over half of this energy (1200kcal) should be carbohydrate origin, representing about 300g of carbohydrate per day. They also recommend that most are complex carbohydrates, ie starches. Therefore, the diet should now usually include significant amounts of foods containing it as bread and cereals in general, legumes, potatoes, pasta, ect.

In relation to simple sugars may indicate that the amount of lactose is conditioned by the amount of milk is taken and compared to sucrose should be reduced to its role as a sweetener in tea, milk or some candy or drink occasionally ingested.

The minimum recommendations of carbohydrates are in the range of 80 to 100 g / day. These minimum amounts are necessary to ensure the glucodependientes glucose organs and prevent ketosis.

The amount of sugars (lactose, sucrose, glucose, fructose) is recommended that 25% of the total energy is not exceeded.

In the case of dietary fiber current guidelines recommend a daily intake of 25 grams in the case of adult individuals. In relation to children it is to add the recommended amount corresponding age 5 to have the child

Its main function is energy and that 50-60% of the energy supply must be supplied by carbohydrates. They are essential for muscle contraction.

They are part of the basic body tissues.

Reserve carbohydrates in the liver and muscle. The rest is used as energy and becomes excess fat, which can cause obesity.

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