
Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

How to Prepare tomato soup Delicious And Healthy

For all those people who want to eat something delicious and healthy tomato soup is an excellent alternative. There are different reasons why a person can choose a soup as part of a meal, among the most important stands that a cup of soup can give a feeling of being full for longer.

The soups are considered apart from delicious, one of the dishes that make you feel good at a time of flu, sore throat or when you are in a depressed state. Soups, thanks to the effect of satiety they produce have become one of the key secrets in diets, so it is also a good reason to add them in your meals. However, there are other types of soups, but in this article you will learn how to prepare a delicious recipe for tomato soup.

In addition to the amazing benefits it provides tomato soup, there are others that are helpful to health, so you can try cooking at home. One of the main ingredients of this soup is the tomato, which provides antioxidant properties that are essential for the proper functioning of the heart also helps control asthma problems, is beneficial for bones and has large amounts of vitamin A the organism.
Recipe for a rich tomato soup

The duration for cooking this recipe is 40 minutes and the ingredients included are to prepare 4 servings of soup.


    One tablespoon of butter.
    Half cup finely chopped onion.
    1/3 cup finely chopped carrots.
    1/3 cup diced zucchini.
    A diet finely chopped garlic.
    Two tablespoons of flour.
    3 cups of broth chicken breast.
    Two tomatoes chopped into squares.
    Two tablespoons of tomato paste.
    A spoonful of sugar.
    Pepper to taste.
    Half a cup of skim milk.

To start preparing this recipe you first have to put in a hot melt butter pan, then agrégale chopped onion, carrot, garlic and zucchini, then cover the pan and let it cook over medium heat, be sure to stir and let so for 5 minutes.

Then sprinkle the flour over the vegetables and shuffle them simmer for a few minutes until completely blended. After agrégale chicken broth, diced tomatoes, sugar and pepper, and let it continue cooking. When the vegetables have been 15 minutes on the fire and these are soft, then let cool to room temperature before putting them in the blender.

Finally add the soup in a blender or in a blender and grind until completely smooth, when the ingredients pureed are, add it to the pot, add milk and cook until hot, remember not to let it boil much and your soup tomato is ready to be served.

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