
Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Exercises to lose belly fast in a week

Do you have fat in the belly area? Looking for exercises to lose belly fast in just 7 days? If so, this can be a constant source of shame, regardless of age. The belly is the hardest part of the body to lose weight. But do not worry; you can flaunt a slimmer waist with these simple and effective exercises.

Why abdominal fat appears?

There are a number of reasons for this in adolescents and adults:

    The genes may be responsible. Genetics is a determinant of the way fat is distributed throughout the body. It could mean having a form of "apple" or "pear". For those with the second option, fat tends to accumulate in the lower body, such as the buttocks. But for those with the first, the body tends to store fat around the midsection, resulting in an accumulation of fat around the abdomen.

    A weak metabolism is another reason. You may have noticed that some of his friends eat a lot of sugary foods, fried foods or soft drinks, and also manage to maintain a flat stomach. The reason is that these people have a very good metabolism. If not good, you can have a bulging stomach. Thyroid disease, diabetes, or other may be the reasons behind a slow metabolism.

    If the muscles around your abdominal area are flabby may lead to accumulate fat or adipose tissue is expands.

Workout routines for fat burning abdomen:

1. Exercise bike to have a flat stomach.

No, you do not need a real bike for this. Are you think how? Here we explain.

    Lie on the floor and keep your hands at your sides or behind the head.
    Now lift both legs off the floor and bend your knees.
    Bring your right knee to your chest, keeping the far left leg.
    Now bring your right leg out and left leg closer to his chest.
    Alternate bending your knees in this way, as if I should walk in bicycle.

2 . How to mark the abdomen and remove fat stride with twist:

It is abdominal exercises for beginners to reduce belly fat fast.

    Stand with your legs hip width. Keep your knees slightly bent.
    Raise both hands in front of you, keeping shoulders straight and parallel to the ground.
    Make a stride forward, as shown in the image. To perform this type of exercises to lose belly fast, take a big step forward with the right leg and brace yourself for himself as if in a chair so that your knees are at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor. The left leg should be back with support from the toes.
    The spine should be straight; not bend forward. That is a very wrong way to perform the exercise.
    Rotate the torso first right and then left. Turn torso only, no legs.
    Continue repeating 16 times.

3 . Exercise to get a flat stomach: sliding table

This routine exercises to eliminate belly muscle training abdomen, hips and lower back.

    Put on the floor with knees and elbows on the ground.
    Keep your neck aligned with the spine. Look forward.
    Raise your knees up and rest your legs on toes.
    Squeeze your knees and keep normal breathing. This is the plank pose. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
    Now start reciprocated for the next 30 seconds. This is the exercise of the sliding table.

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