
Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Weight loss diets. Which is looking

Weight loss diets are many, but not all have the same characteristics and are suitable for everyone.

With this list I want to help you easily find everything I've written about them, from the analysis of the most famous to the description of each diet depending on your needs, the most common errors that occur, the more healthy diets ...

They may be few allies to lose weight but can also become a enemy when abused, or not done properly.
The word "diet", evolved from the ancient Greek word: dayta, meaning 'way of life'.

Currently we assume as synonymous with diet, which refers to the set, combination and amounts of food consumed regularly

They can also refer to the regime that, in certain circumstances, make healthy people who want to lose weight or convalescing from an illness that need special treatment to recover people. To lose weight there is not only the motivation of excess weight.

Diets are considered balanced if they involve the nutrients and energy in amounts that allow the body to develop their daily activities in a context of physical and mental health.

A balanced diet is unique for each person and you have to fit your health status, sex, and age. However, there are multiple factors (social, geographical, pathological, economic, etc.) that influence the balance of this.

Weight loss diets
3 F that help you lose weight successfully

For weight loss will be effective, there are 3 "F" you should not forget:

F1 (Mental Force) is based on motivation. To achieve this should propose achievable goals, you can measure and for a period of time.

F2 (Physiology): An example: Start by eating 500 calories less per day, walks an hour and sleeps 8 eight hours.

F3 (Physics): Once you have your mind and calories you eat under control, it is time to execute an exercise plan to "get in shape".
Tips for dieting:

    Be patient
    Be persistent.
    It is clear and realistic

Come to give your body what it needs, not to keep what's left over you

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Losing weight takes time. Living healthy is a mindset, a lifestyle. Just make the right choice, because you have the opportunity to choose what you eat and how you move. Take the healthy choice. Good luck!

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