
Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Achieving a proper dinner if you want to lose weight

Achieving a proper dinner if you want to lose weight
Dinner is often the most neglected meal of the day, because it is the last meal the night before and post rest a whole day filled with work, concerns and activities. However, it is key when looking to lose weight, so we tell you how to achieve a proper dinner if you want to lose weight.

Dinner and weight loss

As the meal that precedes the moment of rest and overnight stay, dinner is very important when looking to lose weight, because after her caloric expenditure is limited to producing our metabolism at rest, during sleep.
Also, because the dinner may affect the quality of our rest and sleep well is closely related to our diet, can a bad dream generate stress, more appetite and intake of more caloric foods, dinner can also determine the success of our slimming care plan if that does not hinder sleep hours.

As if that were not enough, we can provide nutrients that stimulate or hinder the release of certain hormones during sleep are responsible for repair or build new structures such as muscle that can influence energy expenditure to maintain and stimulate metabolism during dinner.

For all these reasons caring dinner is of real importance if we lose weight without neglecting the health of the body.

Tips for dinner help you lose weight

For the last meal of the day not hinder your weight loss plan but rather, help you lose weight, we recommend to consider the following tips when eating and cooking:

Eaten in moderation, avoiding excesses and dinners large volume, since the higher the amount consumed more calories, which we know are not necessary in the last meal of the day if then we will not be moving. In addition, more intake increased risk for digestive problems that hinder people's sleep. It is advised that dinner meet between 15 and 20% of the day's calories.
Reduce carbohydrates in the evening meal, as they are the source of quick energy for physical and mental activity is often limited after dinner. It should be included in this food carbohydrates from food such as vegetables or fruits and reduce sweets, soft drinks and sweets.
Include lean protein, ie low fat intake, the body will use to repair structures during the break and not stored as fat if the body no longer burns calories after dinner. The best choices are chicken breast, fish, egg or milk.
Avoid difficult to digest foods that can hinder people's sleep, such as those loaded with fat dishes as fried foods or bakery products and ingredients such as cold cuts and sausages, the sauces, spicy or others.
Consuming fiber sparingly, as too much of this type of ingredients that are not fully digested in the body can make it difficult night's sleep, so it is best to include vegetables tender, add fruits and cooked vegetables or chopped, grated or pureed .
Always eat slowly and relaxed, trying to break free from the tensions and stress of the day when dinner, so food is better digested, a pleasant one, calme appetite and help us to reduce gradually the pace to get a good rest night.
With these tips you can achieve a proper dinner if you want to lose weight, which allows you to limit unnecessary calories and nutrients overnight and others to prioritize your body to function properly without hindering thinning.

We must not forget to consider the time of day for which we cook, because not be the same lunch to dinner, and if we are trying to reduce even less kilos more in our body.

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