
Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Easy diet food recipes - Coleslaw (or coleslaw)

Very good morning friends !!
Today I bring you a recipe super rich that sure some already know, but certainly for many other curious result as minimum.
A couple of months ago we took the Madrid book fair to just get away and among other things we went to eat at a restaurant that we had heard wonderful friends and some patients in the query.The site in question is a typical American restaurant, southern food in particular, the "Alfredo's Barbacoa". Sure many know !! But for those who do, it can be an option if you like meat, hamburgers, grilled and stuff.

We enjoyed a detail, and you can ask the diet of small or large meal, so for those who want to care, they can go without fear, because although the food is overwhelming, at least you can choose the small ration :)
As an accompaniment ordered a "coleslaw", we never had tried but we were told it was super rich.Well we were not disappointed at all !! It was scrumptious, was a revelation. Upon arrival home we review recipes, buy the ingredients and made a few days later :)
Today I teach and I give you the recipe so you can enjoy it, it is very good, WORD !!!

Easy diet food recipes 
- Cabbage: 100 g- Golden Apple: 100 g- White onion: 30 g- Carrot: 75 g
For the sauce:- 2 tablespoons skim milk- A few drops of lemon juice- A tablespoon of light mayonnaise dessert- Half tsp, rasa, Dijon mustard- 2 tablespoons wine vinegar or apple- Half a tablespoon of sugar- A pinch of salt
:) ONLY 156 CALORIES (Ideal for first course lunch or dinner.)

1. To make the sauce, use a glass and first add the milk and a few drops of lemon juice. The aim is to cut milk, yogurt should look like. Then add salt and sugar and mix well.Pour the vinegar, mayonnaise and mustard and mix well indicated with a teaspoon. Let stand and see from the ingredients.
2. The ingredients must be split into thin strips.If you have a food processor, you can have the work done: simply pass them by the blade that leaves no matches food in very thin strips and ready.Another option is to do it manually with a grater. And finally, a knife, it will take longer but the result is the same :)
3. Once you have played cabbage, onion, carrot and the big hand into strips, mix to a bowl and pour over the previous super sauce.Let stand around a couple of minutes and start enjoying crunches those fresh ingredients, I assure you if you like salads, this, the repeat :)

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