
Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

Functional Foods ?

Are foods that have been scientifically proven to beneficially affect one or more functions of the body. They provide better health and wellness and prevent the emergence of a
ome diseases.

Some examples are:
- Milk and yogurts enriched in calcium, or fatty acids or vitamins.
- Fortified cereals in fiber and minerals, such as iron.
- Iodized salt, which is enriched in iodine.
- Eggs rich in omega-3.

In the mid-80s, in Japan and later in the United States and Canada, they noted the need to improve the health of their citizens through food. On the one hand people living longer and the other fed getting worse: more saturated fat, less fiber, vitamins and minerals.
So they began to improve certain everyday products such as cereals, eggs or milk.

Who can take it?
Anyone can incorporate into your daily diet because it improves the profile of food: more minerals, more vitamins, more beneficial fatty acids for health, more fiber ...
They are particularly suitable for pregnant, children and elderly, groups with special nutritional needs.

If you have any questions, ask :)

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