
Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Science recipes

Many of the schemes that follows people are diets developed by a computer, specifically by software: data of the person is put and automatically calculate your needs. In less than a second is diet.

But we do not, we do not work with any software: we are the ones we do and choose recipes for each person.

It may seem a simple task, but it is more complex
it seems, basically we distinguish two parts for each person:
- Single Party (tastes and lifestyle of the patient)
- Scientific Party (nutritional requirements and calories than you need)
So every day is unique to each person.

We have to take into account the tastes of the person, so that the diet is pleasant and inviting, and his RHYTHM OF LIFE: is not the same for a person who has a lot of free time, which for a 40-year-old working out home and have less time and inclination to work in the kitchen.
We must also take into account their nutritional requirements: study the amount of calcium, fiber, iron ... etc that the person will need to be 100%.
And of course, we have to calculate the calories you need your diet to lose weight at a good pace.

Well, when creating each recipe we consider these four things.
For us the science is important, it depends on the patient's health and diet is effective and thin at a good pace.
But the other part, which has to do with the likes of the person, is equally important. The food is a pleasure and it is our obligation to make rich, simple and tasty for patients to enjoy eating while in care recipes.

Some past and present, patients are surprised how well we eat with our diets :) And that gives us much joy! Because in addition to getting a good result, we get that person a good time in the process.

So in short: we can adapt any recipe to your diet, from a traditional pizza cooked to a 4 seasons. The key is you who will define your tastes and needs and in us, that considering adapt your nutritional requirements and energy needs.

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