
Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

Difference between PRO and prebiotics

Sure you've heard of them hundreds of times right? But sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from one another. Today we will try to unravel its meaning and importance.

For the body to function properly we have the help of microorganisms that live in our intestines. They are responsible for completing the digestion of some nutrients that we can not digest.
They are so important that when not suffer diarrhea among other things. (For example, when we die certain antibiotics.)
Well, Probiotic foods are characterized by living organisms in their composition. These organisms will settle in our gut and be part of our flora.
An example of probiotic food are enriched yogurts bifidobacteria or lactobacilli.
Prebiotic foods contain substances that help to live in the intestinal microorganisms. Generally are non-digestible carbohydrates in the human gut. We find these substances in plant foods such as plantains, tomatoes, leeks, garlic ..
To maintain good intestinal health have to consume an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables a day (5 servings), with that help our flora to live and work better in our gut.
If you also take probiotics (yogurt type or typical ACTIVE BIO) will improve the profile of our intestinal flora.
But remember, to be healthy and have a stable weight the most important thing is to eat everything, every day, in the amounts you need :-)

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