
Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

We all know the importance of constant practice of aerobic activities. This practice acts as a repairman and immune factor against almost all risk factors for the health of modern civilization.
Far from seeking competitive performance with prospects, we must practice aerobics. These will help us to encourage distraction and not think about everyday problems, improve our cardiovascular fitness, maintain our body within healthy parameters. It is clear that better fitness, better psychic level and, consequently, all this will help us more and better ability to cope with our daily activities.
The main feature of aerobic training is to maintain an activity for a certain time at a certain intensity, determined for each individual and particular target.
Among Aerobic activities include walking, running, biking, swimming, jumping, dancing, etc.
Types of aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercises are generally categorized as high or low impact:
1. Low-impact exercises to moderate walking, swimming, climbing a ladder, rowing, skiing, climbing. Almost anyone who enjoy reasonably good health can practice these exercises. According to some research, walking briskly for three or more hours a week, the risk for coronary heart disease by 65% ​​decrease. Brisk walking also helps burn calories and prevents injury to muscles and bones.
2. High-impact exercises: running, dancing, tennis, paddle or squash. The high-impact exercises should be no more than every other day, and even made with less for those with excessive weight average are older, they are out of physical condition or suffer injuries or other medical problems.
The recommended time is a minimum of 20 min., With a weekly frequency of 3 sessions on alternate days. Where worth much stress that the continuity of the exercise is a key factor for the success.
Intensity can determine it through the heart rate; where it is recommended to lie in the range that goes from 55% to 75% of maximum heart rate of each person.
In children and adults over age 65, aerobic activities inevitably must be supervised by a professional physical activity.
Benefits of aerobic exercise:
Aerobic low intensity training facilitates increased disintegrants enzymes fat (adipose tissue decreased).
Decrease in blood pressure (both at rest and during exertion)
Increased wicking and thickness of blood vessels.
With only 4 months of uninterrupted exercise stops arteriosclerotic problems (you can also reduce them).
Reduces coronary risk and prevent these diseases.
Prevents osteoporosis and decalcification.
Provide greater resistance
It keeps beating heart of a high and constant way, for an extended period, increasing levels of HDL ( "good"), and helping to control blood pressure.
Strengthens bones in the spine.
Helps maintain a normal weight.
It gives you a sense of well being.
Aerobics regimes
Only one weekly hour of aerobic exercise is very helpful, and three to four hours per week is optimal. In general, the following points are very useful for most people:
1. For most healthy adults, the best approach to this type of routine exercises is a mixture of low and high impact. Two weekly workouts, maintain a good physical stability, but three to five weekly sessions are ideal.
2. People who are out of shape, or older, should begin a gradual aerobic training, with about five to ten minutes of low-impact aerobic activity every other day, until finally 30 minutes per day, three to seven times a week (for preventable heart disease, the frequency of exercise may be more important than its duration.)
3. Swimming is an ideal exercise for many people possessing certain physical limitations, including pregnant women, people with problems in their muscles or bones, and those suffering from asthma.
4. People who want to lose weight should aim to make six to seven training low-impact exercise a week.
5. One way to "calibrate" the optimal intensity of exercise, is trying to walk while talking, so that check that your practice will cause quite perspiration but does not prevent him talking with a friend without breath-taking. As your fitness increases, fewer problems will have to talk during and after exercise.
real benefits of doing stationary bike
The exercise bike helps prevent heart attacks: Regular exercise helps the body to dissolve blood clots that form in the veins naturally, caused by platelet clumping. Actually not only stationary bike but also all aerobic exercise (running, jumping, gymnastics, walking, etc.).
With good abdominal and trunk muscles strong provoke an anatomical cinch that maintain posture and avoid those aches so upset.

Besides cholesterol is reduced by bicycle: The bicycle lowers total cholesterol and raises HDL (the good cholesterol) also increases strength, endurance and eliminates overweight.

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