
Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016


We must be aware of the consequences that entails not eat breakfast properly. Consider that breakfast is the first meal of the day.
Its name implies: des-fasting, that is, thanks to him we be fasting. We have spent 6-8 hours sleeping, without eating anything and now we give you nutrients and energy to our body. And this need is even greater if the dinner was light, very common.
Eating breakfast is not only a coffee with milk or something similar; the need for greater nutrient density.
It is proved that, without breakfast, feeding the rest of the day can hardly be correct.
The omission of breakfast or making nutritionally incorrect breakfast has been associated with lower physical and intellectual performance and lower intake of some nutrients, helping to increase the imbalances or imbalances in the diet.
Also, a child who feeds incorrectly certainly be an adult with poor eating habits, although this bad habit is common in both children and adults.
Good breakfast is the foundation stone for a proper distribution of calories throughout the day to maintain weight, avoid reaching for food with bottomless appetite.
In childhood and adolescence -Stages maximum growth-, breakfast plays a decisive role in the optimal development. For many people, the consumption of dairy calcium--the main source is associated with breakfast, so if this is not done, lack of calcium could lead to deficiencies that would affect health (growth disorders, osteoporosis, etc.).
The practical results of skip breakfast are very negative:
Do not give up at school.
errors committed at work.
Do not enjoying leisure activity planned.
Why not eat breakfast?
Lack of time.
Do not feel like eating because you are sleepy.
No attaches importance to breakfast, "and I'll eat later."
We must solve these problems:
Organize the first morning, calculating the time needed for hygiene, grooming and breakfast. Get up earlier, and this discipline, even if it costs at first, will help us start the day with good cheer.
Dedicating 15 to 20 minutes may be enough.
Prepare the night before the necessary elements for breakfast: toaster, juicer, cups, plates.
Ensure that the whole family collaborate in the preparation of this meal of the day and opine about the foods they would like to introduce, within the proposed scheme.
Most importantly, plan a breakfast that stimulates our appetite.
If possible, have breakfast as a family. Otherwise, make things easier for anyone to go without breakfast.
A breakfast must include at least one item from each group:
Fruit or juice.
A dairy yogurt, cheese, milk alone or with cocoa, coffee, tea or infusions.
Bread, breakfast cereals, crackers, toast.
Jam, honey.
Errors about breakfast:
"If breakfast sliming" eating a full breakfast helps control weight, it pecks at least during the morning and better distribute meals all day.
"Do not worry if you do not take anything first thing in the morning because then it is offset throughout the day" after hours of overnight fast, the body needs food. A quarter of your daily calories should be taken at breakfast time.

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