
Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Benefits of vitamin D

Benefits of vitamin D
What if you only count with sunbathing between 10 and 15 minutes, about 3 to 4 times a week you are improving your health? What is known as sun bath will make your skin not only looks good but your body to absorb what is known as Vitamin D. Do you know your benefits? The discussed below.

Precursors of vitamin A, which must then be exposed to sunlight, can be found in the composition of the butter, eggs, and oils derived from beef liver and fish. Vitamin D not only serves to help children grow or strengthen teens, but has a long list of properties that help in maintaining health.

Benefits of vitamin D
- It is an excellent aid for our body more effectively absorb minerals those foods we eat throughout the day, especially calcium and phosphorus, primordial minerals in child development.

- Women who have reached menopause are advised to take vitamin D much, because thanks to this their bones do not lose calcium, preventing osteoporosis so typical of this situation.

- A vitamin D is associated with the treatment and prevention of diseases such as psoriasis, rickets, cancer and high blood pressure.

If you are a person "fitness" and spend many hours in the gym, you can also enjoy the benefits of vitamin D, for foods containing vitamin D will help your body to have a better reaction to the exercises that serve to tone muscles, as long as the exercise is accompanied by a healthy diet fat free.

We must not forget that vitamin D is obtained only when exposed to the sun. However, experts advise sunbathing only during the early hours of the morning and the last rays of the afternoon because otherwise we would be at risk of skin cancer due to harmful ultraviolet rays more marked in the central hours of day.

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