
Selasa, 05 April 2016

Easy diet food - Fish fillet with watermelon sauce

Easy diet food - Fish fillet with watermelon sauce

Take advantage of the diuretic qualities of a fruit that is practically water: watermelon.


    Difficulty: Easy
    Duration: 40 minutes
    Calories: 280 per serving

Ingredients for 2 servings

    250 g fillet of any fish
    1 little ginger
    1 pepper red chile
    100 ml of lemon juice
    Salt pepper
    ½ teaspoon brown sugar
    Approx. 350g watermelon
    4 sprigs cilantro
    100 g Basmati rice
    1 tablespoon olive oil


    Thaw fish fillet.
    Wash and chop the chile.
    Stir together with lemon juice, salt and ginger.
    Chop the melon flesh into small cubes and cilantro into large pieces. Mix.
    Prepare the rice in boiling water.
    Wash the fish, pat dry and cut into strips.
    I salpimiéntalo.
    Put oil in a pan and fry the fish for 2-3 minutes on both sides.
    Board fish on a plate with sauce and rice.

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