
Kamis, 14 April 2016

Three tips to offset the excess of christmas

This Christmas bring us many extras: boxes of chocolates, nougat and marzipan, business dinners, with friends and family bingeing on key days.
In this article we give you three tricks so you know how to remove calories each day to compensate for the excesses of Christmas.
Are simple, super easy tricks to launch and most importantly: BALANCED AND EFFICIENT.
Come up with them:
TIP # 1:
slimming trick
Simply, instead of taking a piece of fruit or a dairy dessert in the main meals, it only takes an infusion after lunch and one after dinner with saccharin, stevia or other sweetener without calories.
A typical dessert (fruit or dairy) provides 100 to 200 calories, so if one day we avoid taking food dessert and dinner, avoid taking between 200 and 400 calories.
Infusions have no calories, so you can choose the one you prefer: chamomile, pennyroyal tea, multiple infusions as relaxing or digestive ...
TIP # 2:
Slimming Tips
The meals are three traditionally lower: breakfast, lunch and snack.
They usually include a dairy, fruit and some cereal (cookies, breads or cereals).
Well, to make them lighter, we give you the option:
BREAKFAST: 1 nonfat yogurt + 3 + 1 marie biscuits type fruit
Lunch: 1 piece of fruit
Snack: 1 infusion with saccharine + 1 cereal bar
BREAKFAST: 2 fat yoghurt + 6 + 1 marie biscuits type fruit
Lunch: 1 piece of fruit + 1 coffee with skim milk
SNACK: 1 cereal bar + 1 piece of fruit
TRICK # 3:
Slimming Tips
This is very simple, but as effective as the other two explain.
It is making a balanced but super light dinner.
It will be balanced because should not miss carbohydrates or proteins. It will also include vegetables.
But it is very light, because its half the calories than a normal meal. So if we do the three tricks on the same day, certainly we will balance the scales.
SUPER CENA lightweight and balanced for girls:
150 g of asparagus (or other fresh vegetables) + 20 g of bread + 1 egg omelette 1.
SUPER CENA lightweight and balanced for boys:
200 g of tomato with salt (or other vegetables) + 30 g + 1 omelet pan 2 eggs.
With the dinner, we will severely limit calories, take all the necessary nutrients for a balanced dinner along with asparagus help remove fluid and take a serving of fiber that help to regulate intestinal transit.
(The tomato for boys, in addition to providing fiber, is great to take care of your prostate !!)
Friends, courage to overcome these difficult days for the diet. With perseverance and trust it will be done, we have seen many times !!

December and January can count positive, watch your diet and start the year with health and tranquility.

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