
Selasa, 12 April 2016

Can you eat pizza being a diet?

Pizza light, pizza diet

The quick answer is ... of course yes!
We can eat pizza or any other recipe long as we do with moderation.

In fact, we give many patients ask us what our "special pizza" because we know it is a very rich food that sometimes fancy taking.

The pizza has been mythologized as fast or poor quality food. But not all pizzas are equal.
If you buy a pizza ready to roast it in the oven, we see that brings many more calories than if we make ourselves at home. Also the nutritional profile is much worse when we bought made because usually contain many more saturated fat and less fiber than if we do at home.

To make it at home we can choose to make the dough even ourselves or buy it from those that come frozen.
If we use fresh products to coat have a balanced, healthy and very rich dish that you can enjoy without regrets :)

The approximate amount for a girl who is on a diet would be:
- An entire basis to eat
- Or half the base for dinner.
It is very rough because each has its own needs, but to get an idea, it may be.

Pizza photo was taken a few days ago with the dough recipe that we indicated in our special (it took us 10 minutes to prepare) and with a little tomato, shredded cheese and a can of light tuna natural.
Oregano at the end ... and enjoy !!!

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