
Minggu, 10 April 2016

Top food light

We give our ranking low calorie foods that also are healthy, very healthy.


    Nutrition: cruciferous leaves are full of antioxidants that are even more benefits to its root, a type of turnip. One of its features is that they have a lot of provitamin A, and thousands mcg. carotenes. Diuretics are excellent.

    Cuisine: typical of traditional Galician cuisine, raw are somewhat bitter. Ideally, blanch a few minutes or cook them, cooking them, fry them ... Now, in autumn, begins its season.


    Nutrition: rich variety of vitamins (A, C, E and tocopherol), the best of celery is full of substances such as apiol, limonene or apiína essential oil. Thus, for example, it helps fight hypertension and is a very potent diuretic and cleanser.

    Kitchen: winter is their season. Celery can be taken in salads, but cooked is more digestible and enjoyable. Basis of many recipes, surely you've taken in tapas. Do not be surprised: celery is an excellent appetizer, regulator digests.


    Nutrition: once goodbye to most cucumber nutrients, especially carotenes and fiber peeling. One particularly interesting if taken with the pulp is the eta-sitosterol, super compound to boost the immune system (defenses). diuretic is considered that its potassium content is high.

    Kitchen: can eat the skin, most nutritious cucumber? You are right. In fact, sometimes you find yourself in the slices that are added to salads. The skin should be clean and be finite, so it depends on the type of cucumber. We recommend the "Italian" variety, very smooth skin that reminds a little zucchini.

Zucchini and squash

    Nutrition: rich in many antioxidants (various carotenoids, such as lycopene or coumarin) and vitamins (such as C), its properties are innumerable. Sight-saving cataract, are good for lowering cholesterol, reduce the risk of cancers, especially prostate, and help eliminate fat and deflate.

    Kitchen: zucchini allow some types that can be cut very thin and not peel. This is how best enjoy their properties. For example, a sheet can wrap zucchini vegetable stews or a serving of guacamole, like a sushi roll it were. Pumpkin is used mainly pulp, and be careful with your cooking, since vitamin C usually decreases if excessively prolonged.


    Nutrition is very rich in potassium and phosphorus, as well as folic acid, carotene and provitamin A. Its something alkaline compounds are responsible for it is a protecting food against cancer and diseases related to the cardiovascular system. Great insomnia.

    Kitchen: of course, lettuce, very clean, is the queen of salads. But it can also stewed in creams and soups, or sofreírse with other vegetables and varied pistos do with it.


    Nutrition: only people who should control the uric acid should be careful with asparagus. Others can benefit from his numerous properties, especially the greens, which have made chlorophyll to grow out of the ground and give them light. Rich in fiber, carotene, provitamin A, potassium and phosphorus, its action on the body is cleansing and diuretic, and reinforce our minds and increase defenses.

    Kitchen: undoubtedly a steaming or grilled taste is like best. Keep in mind that the stem needs more time to get to the delicate tips.


    Nutrition: rich in antioxidants sulphurous compounds (. As we have seen in the article of food color this month, p.38), radishes provides iodine, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, folic acid and vitamin C. They are diuretics and very good for the health of the liver and gallbladder. For pregnant women and people with a lot of stress.

    Kitchen: once thrown away the green parts, radish hold on a little longer in the refrigerator. You can take raw, in sauces or vegetable stews. Baked, with salt and pepper, delicious.


    Nutrition: very rich in folic acid (for pregnant women), provide thousands of mcg. carotenes as well as vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamin E, magnesium and potassium, plus a lot of fiber. For the iron is assimilated by the body must accompany with a food rich in citric acid (lemon aliñarlas, for example). Lower cholesterol.

    Kitchen: Uncooked are delicious. We recommend taking them in salad with mushrooms (raw) and parmesan. To cook them, be careful with the times, to destroy the least amount of nutrients.

Green peppers

    Nutrition: less caloric than red (33 cal./100 g.), Are rich in fiber, provitamin A, folat, vitamin E and C and minerals such as potassium. Great to satiate you and help you follow a slimming diet.

    Kitchen: small, such as the Register or Gernika, are excellent fried with coarse salt (added to the end). Italian, sweets, can prepare baked or creams. Essential in any sofrito.

Natural medicine

    Tomato heals everything. Quantity of nutrients and lycopene súperantioxidante improve cardiovascular health, lower cholesterol, prevent certain cancers, eliminate uric acid, arthritis, are tonics ... A daily intake of tomatoes, even fried (which still has more lycopene) says an iron. And in 100 g. there are only 19 cal.

Nutrients sea

    The average calorie sea vegetables, or seaweed, is 39 cal. per 100 g. The globalization of the food has become fashionable in the kitchens of the most prestigious chefs, and in our country there are already producing algae very ours, especially in the Galician coast. Algae are very rich in minerals such as iodine, calcium or vitamin A and carotenes. Other nutrients such as spirulina or ellagic acid, are really magical for bowel health, anemia, skin and hair, the assimilation of insulin, cholesterol and cancer.

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