
Minggu, 10 April 2016

Ice cream Well, bad or regular?

Provide calcium are milk and digestive. The gossips talk of excess fats and sugars ... But do you have? We tell you the pros and cons of ice cream and how to take them to not endanger your diet.

What are the ingredients?

    The ice creams are composed of a mixture whipped and frozen water or milk and dairy products such as cream, sugar addition. At the same time, according explains Dr. Ana Haro, nutritionist at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology of the University of Granada, "may contain fresh fruits, juices, nuts, biscuits, eggs, chocolate, flavors, stabilizers, fats vegetables and syrups ". Those made with water are known as poles or sorbets and which are based dairy ingredients are the ice cream.

And how are they made?

    As Dr. Ana Haro resume, the first step is to "provide ingredients in a mixing tank and, once made the mixture, subjected to a process of pasteurization and heat at high temperatures." Allow to cool in tanks of 3 to 72 hours, about -12 ° C. Then comes the freeze: "The product is placed in a refrigerator, where air is driven and beaten. Thus begins to puff up, increases its volume to nearly double, acquires a creamy texture and freezes, "says Ana Haro.

What nutrients have?

    One of the most important is the use of calcium due to the milk, which, along with the eggs, also makes rich in protein and vitamins A, D and K. Other component: carbohydrates, especially sucrose, from the sugar, and fructose, fruits, which provide vitamins C and B. Finally we must talk about fat, found in dairy products, as well as water in the case of the poles. The amount of fat ice cream stands around 10 percent; carbohydrates represent up to 25 percent.

Are they good for health?

    "In general, they are ideal to hydrate the body and mitigate the effects of heat food. The cream type are an excellent supply of quality protein, about 5 g. 100 g. of icecream. Yes, the poles made of water have zero protein, "says the doctor Haro. In addition, ice cream stimulate appetite, and acting on the taste buds and so are good for people who need to gain weight. On the other hand, they are interesting for those with mastication problems.

And what are cons?

    Excessive drinking can increase the weight, cause throat and vascular problems. "In the preparation of frozen fat dairy origin or vegetable fats rich in saturated fatty acids, involved in increasing cholesterol levels they are used. But the cholesterol content of ice cream is not very high and, in the case of facts with skim milk, no, "says Ana Haro. They should moderate their consumption who suffer overweight, vascular problems or chronic pharyngitis. Diabetics should avoid.

What are the healthiest?

    Very clearly, that in the formula include milk. Ana Haro, "despite their higher caloric content and the presence of saturated fat, ice cream or milk are more desirable, if not abused and are included in a balanced and varied diet. The poles have lower energy intake, but offer virtually no nutritional value. So should take them sporadically and take advantage of its cooling effect and rich in water to hydrate the body in hot weather. "

What advantages does the light?

    These varieties are made as saccharine or aspartame sweeteners and fructose, which make them suitable for diabetics. And they contain less amount of fat to be used skim milk. According to Ana Haro, "they have a lower caloric intake, so it would be advisable for those who control their weight or want to lose weight. But, in the case of persons with phenylketonuria, aspartame concentrations can be detrimental. For this reason, and as a general rule, you should check your composition. " It is important to check the nutrition label and check if they are milk, bring sugar, your calories ...

Is it true that fat?

    One hundred grams of ice cream made with whole milk derivatives contain 200 to 250 calories. "These numbers make it a moderately high energy food intake, but it depends on the amount and type of ingredients used. In the case of the poles, the heating value varies sugar used. It should be noted that the feeling of cold decreases the perception of flavors and, to compensate, manufacturers add enough quantity, "said the expert. However, as she points out, "moderate consumption of ice cream in a healthy person is pleasant and desirable".

Are they a good dessert?

    Yes, if it is taken in moderation and within a balanced diet. "Their carbohydrates and proteins are easily digested. Furthermore, the presence of lactose facilitates calcium absorption. A serving of ice cream for dessert could be a high caloric intake if consumed frequently, but it is perfectly feasible if alternates with other foods like fruit, "says Ana Haro. A person consuming fruits and vegetables in abundance, with a healthy diet, it can take them without problems. Are alternatives if overweight? The reduced formats (minicornetes, mini-chocolates ...) and light.

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