
Jumat, 08 April 2016

Medallions nice with leeks to prevent thrombi

The nice features nutritional value of low fat content is much higher compared fish lean species and it is characterized by having omega-3, very good, because it reduces cholesterol and triglycerides by increasing the flow of blood and thus thrombi or clots are avoided.

Provides B vitamins, such as B2, B3, B9 and B12 by allowing use of all types of energy nutrients such as protein, fat or carbohydrates.

    Increases production and red blood cell formation as well the proper functioning of the nervous system by its high amounts of vitamins of group B.
    It gives vitamins D and A, beneficial for good growth, repair and maintenance of skin and mucous membranes.
    It has minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium along with huge amounts of iodine and thus benefits the nervous, digestive and muscular system.
    As it has much amount of vitamin A, which has the body will cause increased resistance to infections and improve night vision.

Nice recipe medallions with leeks.

Ingredients for 2 people:

    2 slices of bonito.
    1/2 clove of garlic.
    4 tablespoons oil.
    1 leek outbreak.
    25 grams of cherry tomatoes.
    25 grams of cooked corn.
    1/2 green pepper.
    4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil.
    1 tablespoon cider vinegar.


Cook the medallions of grilled tuna with a little olive oil and a little salt.

At serving time accompanied with a vinaigrette made with small sprouts leeks, julienned green peppers, diced tomatoes, drained corn, season with oil, salt and cider vinegar.

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