
Senin, 11 April 2016

The secrets of freezing and thawing

If fresh are very expensive, you need to buy time or want to fill the pantry because you do not have time to go to the market every day ... frozen are the healthiest choice!
THE REASONS WHY ARE VERY HEALTHY very low temperatures. Thats the secret. If not done so, microbial growth is favored, large imbalances occur in the concentration of minerals and vitamin substances and eventually form large ice glasses that may end up damaging the product structure. It is what is known as deep freezing, between -1 and -5 degrees Celsius. During storage and subsequent transport, the temperature should be maintained at -18 °. This process is so great that TheValue nutritious frozen food is often higher than the frescoes. The losses that occur by contact with the air, ambient temperature or light, are minimized thanks to the little time between harvesting and packaging food.
Quick-frozen in your freezer foods have a maximum shelf life will be greater the lower the temperature. In the case of freezers of three and four stars, the food can be stored for several months. Two or three weeks is the term for two stars, and only one for those with a single star. Conservation by simple cooling, ie, store food in the refrigerator between 0 and - 4 degrees Celsius, can, of course, a much shorter terms, so fresh foods kept in this way are to be consumed in a short period of time.
To cook vegetables vegetables should not defrost. Add them to the cooking liquid and ready them to your liking. If you prefer, you can also steaming, frozen directly. They will be much tastier, in addition to better retain nutrients.
Fish Fish generally must be thawed before cooking, but if you're going to cook in water, steamed and in some cooking stews and baked, then it can be used directly frozen. To defrost, remove all containers containing and leave it on a rack or in a colander, so juices defrost remain apart.
Meat should thaw meat in the refrigerator, no packaging, on a rack or in a colander, for thawing juices left out, as in the case of fish.
You just have to thaw seafood seafood if you cook grilled or baked. If you you cook in water or steam, it is best done with the frozen product directly. To defrost raw seafood shell, the best option is to soak it in cold water for a few minutes, just before cooking. When you have the texture defrosted, drain it and enjoy it Now you can!

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