
Selasa, 26 April 2016

Fast food Only occasionally, best homemade and quality

With fast food some young people are clear, "I know it's bad but I like it." It is the "junk" food. They prefer a burger or pizza, fast food, a dish of chickpeas. A study says that 73% of young people between 14 and 20 years old come daily or almost pizzas, burgers, fried chicken or sausage sandwiches loaded accompanied by french fries, and 45.4% said that every day eats bakery and sugary drinks. 85% recognize that it is not healthy, but they do.

Customs group, affordable prices, advertising .... The journal Nature recently reported that these customs have a scientific basis for a brain reward mechanism is activated when certain ingredients, same as when an addict needs drugs, because of the polysaccharides easily digestible as starch producing a rapid rise ingested levels of blood glucose and produce feelings of satisfaction.

Many chips, sugar sauces used as seasoning, and as a final great pleasure. Moreover, the "trans" fats from cheap hydrogenated oils appear in baked, fried and some margarines products, not rancid, can improve the duration, the taste and texture of the products but are dangerous to the heart.

Fast food, their food proliferation came the 60s and spread its low cost as part of the pastries, snacks and fast food they consume every day millions of people. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) says that can cause diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol and other serious problems and recommends physical exercise, avoiding obesity and replace burgers, fries and fizzy drinks for burger butcher, boiled potatoes and water or milk cocoa, nuts and chopped fruit and bakery for homemade desserts. And to better teach children healthy habits and avoid possible fast food.

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