
Minggu, 03 April 2016

Lemon water for weight loss 3

Hello to all who are doing the lemon diet. Today it's Tuesday, the second day of the diet, and certainly some volume and weight have already gone down. Do you not perceive it a little?

Come, come now to the second day of the diet. As always today has a purpose to fulfill: to remove fat.
Lemon diet  Tuesday: Burn Fat

Currently it is known to use vitamin C that has lemon, has many advantages. Why?

Vitamin C is one of the most effective nutrient for burning fat and weight loss. It is mainly found in fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are a great allies in the diets, fiber and few calories they have.

So today, along with lemon drink in the morning we take, we will take at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. To achieve our goal, fruits will mix with cereals, natural or frozen vegetables and snack nuts if you are hungry.

Lemon Diet Lemon

Go for it.
Tuesday menu diet lemon.

Nothing to get up: drink our lemonade. I remember the way to do have it in the article: down one pant size in 7 days. It consists of hot water and lemon juice.
Lemon juice juice blessing

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    1 boiled egg
    2 slices of whole wheat toast with a thin spread of butter
    a tomato grilled
    1 apple
    300 ml soy or skim milk

Half Morning

    2 fruits to choose
    a handful of unsalted peanuts


    A bowl of beans or the like sauteed with butter and 3 tablespoons mixed with chickpeas. All this is mixed in turn with 2 tomatoes and green pepper with lemon juice dressing.
    1 slice whole wheat bread
    1 large bowl of green salad with chives
    1 kiwifruit

lips painted yellow woman kissing a lemon as an example of the diet of lemon Snack

    1 oat cake or similar.
    cottage cheese


    Mixed vegetables (tomatoes, chickpeas, spinach, potatoes, raisins and whole grain rice)
    Grilled banana with 2 ounces of melted dark chocolate.

What not so bad this menu? It is satiating and ravenous hunger.

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