When you want to lose weight we have heard much of "Eat less, move more". Tips lose weight fast
Experts tell us that, considering that the goal of losing weight is just a matter of calories.
This is a mistake, since our bodies are more complex than this simple formula.
Different foods we eat affect hunger and hormones differently, also say that not all calories are equal.
There are many things you can do to lose weight fast, all without having to count a single calorie.
In this article I will tell seven proven ways to lose fat without exercising or counting calories:
7 tips to lose weight without counting calories
Losing weight can be as simple as making changes to your breakfast.
It has been shown in two studies that eating eggs in the morning (instead of rolls) helps you lose fat.
In one of these studies, a group of women were overweight or obese divided into two groups, one would bagels and other eggs at breakfast time.
The group that took eggs just eating fewer calories in food, in the rest of the day and in the following 36 hours.
The conclusion is that eggs provide us satiety for the rest of the day causing us to eat less at meals.
In another study, 152 overweight men and women were also divided into 2 groups. One group ate eggs, and the other rolls, two groups carrying a weight loss diet.
After 8 weeks the following results were:
The group that had eggs for breakfast lost 65% more weight.
There was reduced by 61% BMI.
There was reduced by 34% the waist circumference.
He had reduced the percentage of body fat by 16%.
The difference in weight loss was not large, but it shows that small details like changing a meal can cause major effects.
Another amazing benefit of eating eggs is that they are one of the healthiest foods in the world. It has been found in different studies that do not increase bad cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, which is believed long ago.
If you do not take eggs because you think it takes a long time to prepare, you are wrong. In just 8 minutes you can have your eggs ready.
Slows your alarm 8 minutes and problem solved.
Conclusion: Studies show that eating eggs at breakfast time helps you eat fewer calories the rest of the day, compared with a typical breakfast with bread.
It is a fact that the human brain is a little complex.
He works in mysterious ways, and not easy to control eating behavior.
The brain is responsible for deciding whether we should or should not eat.
But it is proven that there is a trick to "trick" our brain and think you've eaten more than you have actually eaten.
The trick is to use smaller plates.
The higher your plate, the less you think your brain that you have eaten. Using smaller plates, we deceive our brain to make you feel more satisfied eating fewer calories.
The trick may seem strange, but is proven and guaranteed to work.
Conclusion: If you use smaller plates in your meals will get "trick" your brain into thinking you've eaten more of what has actually eaten.
Protein is very important when losing weight that has not had a good reputation in the past nutrient.
how much protein you need
Many people think that hurts the calcium from the bones and causes kidney problems.
The reality is that science says this is totally false.
There are many studies that conclude that eating protein helps burn fat and reduce hunger, which helps in weight loss.
These studies have also shown that protein increases metabolism more than any other macronutrient.
One of the main reasons for this is that our body needs more calories to digest and use the protein that it uses for fat or carbohydrates.
The protein helps to increase satiety and significantly reduce hunger.
In a study, increased protein to 30% of daily calories allowed a reduction in total calories for the day at 441 calories.
Many studies confirm that increased protein intake helps to lose weight even eating until full.
Protein also helps us gain muscle, especially if we do weight training. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, meaning that a small amount of burning calories even when at rest.
The best way to get protein is eating animal foods such as meat, fish and eggs.
Conclusion: Increase protein intake in the diet helps to increase metabolism and reduce hunger. It also helps increase muscle mass, which helps burn more calories during the day.
4. TAKE IN FIBER FOODS RICH AND LOW CALORIE WILL us feel fuller with fewer calories
Another way to feel more satisfied with fewer calories is by eating foods that have a low energy density.
Detox Diets
This includes foods that are rich in water, such as vegetables and some fruits.
Studies show that more weight is lost with a diet with foods with low energy density with diet food with high energy density.
In one study, it was found that women who ate soup (low energy density) lost 50% more weight than women a high-energy snack were taken.
Vegetables are also rich in soluble fiber, which has been shown in several studies to aid in weight loss.
Another benefit of soluble fiber is decomposing bacteria in the digestive tract to cause a fatty acid called butyrate, which is believed to have positive effects against obesity, at least in rats.
A recipe for success is to combine foods from animals (rich in protein) with plant foods (low energy density).
Conclusion: Choosing foods with low energy density (such as fruits and vegetables) helps to be more satisfied with fewer calories
5. HELPS REDUCE CARBS A Lose Weight Fast
Probably one of the best ways to lose weight without counting calories is to reduce carbohydrates.
Studies show that people who reduce carbohydrates, automatically begin to eat fewer calories and lose weight effortlessly.
In a study of 53 women with overweight / obesity were two groups, one would make a low carb diet and the other a low-fat diet., All for 6 months.
It was that women in the group got low-carb diet lose twice as much weight (8.5 kilos) eating to fullness, while the group of low-fat diet lost 3.9 kilos, also had to cut calories.
The best way to reduce carbohydrates is to eliminate your meals sugars, sweets, soft drinks and starchy foods like bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.
A good range may be between 100 and 150 grams of carbohydrates a day. If you want to lose weight fast then you can lose 50 grams / day.
Another great advantage of reducing carbohydrates is that insulin levels are reduced, which causes the kidneys to excrete excess sodium and water from the body, which greatly reduces the swelling and water weight.
Conclusion: Reducing carbohydrates helps reduce appetite and lose weight, all without having to be counting calories. It also helps reduce the weight of water in the body.
sleep and weight control
Two things that are often ignored when it comes to health is the quality of sleep and stress.
Both are very important for a good functioning of our body and hormones.
Poor sleep causes several risk factors for obesity, increases the risk by 89% for children and 55% in adults.
Lack of sleep increases hunger and cravings, it also causes a biochemical trend that causes weight gain by influencing negatively on the hormones that regulate hunger, ghrelin and leptin.
Increased stress helps increase levels of the hormone cortisol, which increases the accumulation of abdominal fat and the risk of chronic diseases.
It is therefore very important to take care of the quality of sleep and avoid unnecessary stress factors.
Conclusion: Poor sleep and too much stress can cause malfunction important hormones such as ghrelin, leptin and cortisol. Getting a proper functioning of these hormones helps reduce appetite and desire to cravings.
coconut oil benefits
Coconut oil has properties that help reduce appetite and increase fat burning.
Coconut oil is rich in fats known as medium chain triglycerides.
These fatty acids metabolized differently from other fats way, go directly to the liver where they are used for energy or convert them into ketone bodies.
Two small studies show that consumption of these fats cause medium chain eat fewer calories, showing a reduction of 256 calories a day.
These fats also increase energy expenditure, even 5%, shown in a study.
Consume 30 ml coconut oil causes significant reductions in BMI and waist circumference, a marker of abdominal fat.
Nor is that from now on abuses of coconut oil, nothing like that, only used for cooking, replacing other oils coconut oil.
Making small changes helps optimize hormones, to reduce hunger and increase metabolism, which certainly will help you lose a lot of weight without having to be counting calories.
That's all, any doubts as always feel free to leave a comment below, thanks for reading.