
Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Exercises to lose belly fast in a week

Do you have fat in the belly area? Looking for exercises to lose belly fast in just 7 days? If so, this can be a constant source of shame, regardless of age. The belly is the hardest part of the body to lose weight. But do not worry; you can flaunt a slimmer waist with these simple and effective exercises.

Why abdominal fat appears?

There are a number of reasons for this in adolescents and adults:

    The genes may be responsible. Genetics is a determinant of the way fat is distributed throughout the body. It could mean having a form of "apple" or "pear". For those with the second option, fat tends to accumulate in the lower body, such as the buttocks. But for those with the first, the body tends to store fat around the midsection, resulting in an accumulation of fat around the abdomen.

    A weak metabolism is another reason. You may have noticed that some of his friends eat a lot of sugary foods, fried foods or soft drinks, and also manage to maintain a flat stomach. The reason is that these people have a very good metabolism. If not good, you can have a bulging stomach. Thyroid disease, diabetes, or other may be the reasons behind a slow metabolism.

    If the muscles around your abdominal area are flabby may lead to accumulate fat or adipose tissue is expands.

Workout routines for fat burning abdomen:

1. Exercise bike to have a flat stomach.

No, you do not need a real bike for this. Are you think how? Here we explain.

    Lie on the floor and keep your hands at your sides or behind the head.
    Now lift both legs off the floor and bend your knees.
    Bring your right knee to your chest, keeping the far left leg.
    Now bring your right leg out and left leg closer to his chest.
    Alternate bending your knees in this way, as if I should walk in bicycle.

2 . How to mark the abdomen and remove fat stride with twist:

It is abdominal exercises for beginners to reduce belly fat fast.

    Stand with your legs hip width. Keep your knees slightly bent.
    Raise both hands in front of you, keeping shoulders straight and parallel to the ground.
    Make a stride forward, as shown in the image. To perform this type of exercises to lose belly fast, take a big step forward with the right leg and brace yourself for himself as if in a chair so that your knees are at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor. The left leg should be back with support from the toes.
    The spine should be straight; not bend forward. That is a very wrong way to perform the exercise.
    Rotate the torso first right and then left. Turn torso only, no legs.
    Continue repeating 16 times.

3 . Exercise to get a flat stomach: sliding table

This routine exercises to eliminate belly muscle training abdomen, hips and lower back.

    Put on the floor with knees and elbows on the ground.
    Keep your neck aligned with the spine. Look forward.
    Raise your knees up and rest your legs on toes.
    Squeeze your knees and keep normal breathing. This is the plank pose. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
    Now start reciprocated for the next 30 seconds. This is the exercise of the sliding table.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Some people have more problems in section exercise for weight loss

Many people in your goal to lose weight sent me questions to find an exercise routine that really works for weight loss because it takes time doing the typical gym exercises or cardio prolonged and note that the results obtained are poor.

A good workout routine to lose weight provides several health benefits, better body composition, increased strength, better overall fitness, better sleep and reduced inflammatory markers.

Paragraph diet is usually quite easy to do, simply must prioritize good fats, carbohydrates and protein quality, the same foods that have been selected in a natural way to attract our taste buds.

If so, some people have more difficulty following an exercise program to help you achieve weight loss.

At first glance, this should not be a big problem.

Following the conventional tendency would be to not do cardio sessions long lasting and no more than half hour of gym workouts right?

Surely if you're one of those people who have followed the trend set by gyms, an hour of combined slot machines with an hour of cardio you seen that not conseguías the body you wanted, that body that combines strength and definition, all with a good health.

So what exercises to do, how to do, how often?


I will answer all your questions so you finally discover an exercise plan that allows you to achieve your fitness goals, combined good health, we will continue to do so the guidelines set by the evolutionary plan.

This "plan" training with some staples (squats, sprints, a lot of aerobic activity low level), but usually the training program that I present you provides a framework for those looking to combine a wide variety of movements , routines and exercises to keep everything fresh.


The training plan for the week is as follows:

    Monday: Sprint.

    Tuesday: Training heavy things.

    Wednesday: Slow movement, have fun or rest

    Thursday: Rest.

    Friday: Slow movement, have fun or rest

    Saturday: Training heavy things.

    Sunday: slow movement fun or rest.


The name of the exercise is self-explanatory: run very, very fast in short distances.

Unless we have had an injury, we are all made to do sprints, so it is a basic element of evolutionary movement.

In this work exercise both aerobic and anaerobic capacity, plus the secretion of growth hormone, fat is mobilized, and the development of maximum power is favored.

In short, if you want to build muscle mass and burn body fat, the sprints are a great way to get. One day a week is enough.

Compare the bodies of a sprinter and a marathon runner Which would you like to be like?

But not all are equal sprints What advise?

Personally I love sprints on the beach (help cushion the impact and increase resistance) or maybe some sprints uphill (on a hill), when I had my knee problem, this kind of sprints helped to reduce the impact on the joint.

You can also do sprints uphill with a bicycle, or sprints in a pool.

I personally think that the sprints should be maximum effort at all times, so I do not usually do Tabata sprints sprints in my days I feel I have less energy.

20-second sprints with 10 seconds rest (Tabata sprints) are not suitable for most people to maintain maximum effort.

If you can maintain maximum speed for 20 seconds with 8 reps, 10 seconds rest between each, perfect, but you can start with more breaks, such as a sprint of 20 seconds with 1 minute break.

Take the time you need to recharge between sprints, you can do it on grass, sand or asphalt as a last resort.

Personally I love doing sprints barefoot on the beach, if you can do it is fantastic.

As you see this training session also has the benefit of being fast, in 10 minutes you will have made the.


To achieve our goal of having a defined body fat and strength training is perfect.

I recommend you do two to 3 workouts a week, ever again. This training is very intense so it is very important that the body plenty of rest between each workout.

Exercises always compounds, ie, where many muscles work in each exercise, exercises such as squats, the press (banking and military), power clean with bar, dominated, plates. Hard work and honest.

Later you can add other exercises this training to begin with we will focus on these major exercises.

If you are a beginner strength training you have two workouts a week with bar.



    Squats 3 x 5
    Bench Press 3 x 5
    Dips in parallel. 2 to failure


    Dead Weight 2 x 5
    Shoulder Press 3 x 5
    3 Until dominated ruling

These are only suggestions. Do not hesitate to make changes and try different exercises (but at least do squats).

I explain for example the sets and reps for squats, would be 3 x 5, ie, 3 sets with 5 repetitions each. Dips and dominated in I put 2 or 3 to failure, ie, 2 or 3 repetitions to you to hold it.

For those who do not feel safe with the bar or can not have a can do training with dumbbell, it would be something like this:


    Squat in the air
    You dominated.


    Squat in the air
    You dominated

For best results I suggest a workout with bar, rather than weight.


Day interval workouts high intensity is exhausting. It is a workout for people who are willing to give everything to achieve their goals, luckily it's only once a week.

routine exercise to lose weight

The key here is metabolic conditioning exercises you can do with compounds made as quickly as possible and with little rest to build muscle and anaerobic endurance.

The HIIT (interval training high intensity) can be done in many ways, from a simple training ten rounds five dominated ten pushups and fifteen squats, the Tabata intervals you said at the beginning of this article (sprints, burpees, squats , pull-ups, etc).

In the coming weeks I will update this article with new workout routines that allow you to achieve your goals, a free body fat and defined.


We are three very important points, rest, fun and slow movement. We have made this type of activity for Wednesday, Friday and Sunday (see training plan top).

routines to lose weight

It is important to listen to the signals your body sends you, trust yourself to make the right decision.

If you're tired of training a week, take it easy. It is key that the muscle fibers have their time to repair.

If you have little energy left you can take a walk or just move slowly. Enjoy nature without turning it into a workout.

If you have left a lot of energy, you can carry a heavy backpack, walking in the mountains and do some dominated in some strong branch (safety first).

You can also use these days to play with your kids, the dog, with friends or with strangers they organize some fun activity, I personally love the paddle and organize parties with neighbors.

If your idea of ​​a fun time is to exercise more, no problem, you can do some strength training or aerobic training something. While you're enjoying what you do, you're officially playing and having fun.

3 days off could be many, but if you notice that you need any problems. Strength training and days of Sprint and HIIT can be very intense and leave you exhausted, so if you feel you need, rest.

It's up to you.

Well, I think this is a good start.

This simple plan provides details so that you get to take the right direction that allows you to achieve your goals, it also provides flexibility to suit different fitness levels.

You can make changes or polishing details, but overall this is a solid foundation for anyone interested in a Primitive training.

This plan is the guide to build strength, burn fat and strengthen your health.

Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Exercises to run without injuries

The race is a very demanding exercise due to continuous impacts. We propose a series of exercises to improve your performance and avoid injuries.


Once collected adaptations metabolic level to achieve an efficient system of energy supply and adaptations of the cardiorespiratory system, they will assume greater prominence the need to acquire better mechanical adaptations and obtain greater resistance of different tissues to withstand the loads to which They will continue to be subdued and retain their proper function.

Most brokers, once arrived at this level that want to increase their performance, choose to increase the volume in your workouts, increasing weekly kilometers. However, this traditional approach as usual and will not get a significant metabolic level and much less mechanical increase, but quite the opposite.

When the amateur runner is at this level of increased demand, the result is that only a slight increase is achieved in metabolic factors but, and this is the important point, is exposed to a significantly increased risk articulate unimproved factors mechanical. The result is evident when we look at the reality of these amateur levels: runners acceptable level of performance, but with increased mechanical disturbances such as plantar fasciitis, shin splints, lower back pain, patellar tendinitis, etc. At this level of form, to run faster and better, do not run more but less. Reference developed several exercises its importance and great transfer to the race must know and include in your fitness program.


Improve joint mobility proper running technique, besides getting wider and smoother stride and shortenings be avoided with alterations. A clear objective is to improve mobility of the ankle, but at the same time try to enhance soleus and posterior tibial. Therefore, dynamic and active stretching will be a much more interesting than passive and maintained classic option.
With the tip of high standing on a small height, extend the leg and drops the weight on the heel dynamically. There are two options:

1. With the knee flexed you do more emphasis on soleus and the whole mass of connective tissue surrounding it.

2. With the knee extended, is incident on the twins. It is interesting to include both options.
To influence the whole tone of soleus fascia, stand with knees bent and the other leg and balance the body weight forward flexing the ankle, but preventing the heel rises. The knee should extend beyond the toes.

The connective tissue is undoubtedly the main limiting mobility. At the bottom you get strong enveloping layers of fascia fulfill their function, so the more you deform with stretching, we must keep them in optimal condition with degree of tension but avoiding adhesions, allowing its oxygenation and input of energy substrates and drainage cleanse the area of waste products and metabolites.

Roller wheel with the weight of the legs between the calf and ankle area larger proportion of connective tissue itself. You can use other means such as a balloon or increase
pressure with one foot on the other.
Also massage the hip rotators. Cross one leg over the other and apply pressure on the deep muscles.


It is not a matter of gaining muscle mass, but to achieve functional improvements force transfer to the race. Once you have a good basic strength levels, transfer it to these specific exercises:
Triple extension kettlebellHold a kettlebell (can also be done with a barbell) and start performing a squat with hip and knee flexion. Get some inertia in the first repetitions and once acquired, extends the movement of the lower limb with the extension of the ankle.The charge amounts legs and no arms. When the highest point, which coincides with the maximum extension is reached, the kettlebell is practically at a standstill where the load disappears. The feeling you should have is that we could even open my hands for a moment. This feeling is necessary to ensure that the movement printing certain inertia to the load is performed as the movement of flexion and extension must be performed dynamically and slightly explosive without stopping at any time.It is important to reach the maximum of hip and knee but above all emphasis should be placed on the ankle extension, raising his heels. If you have opportunity, performs barefoot exercise. You get an extra job stability and putting into action of the stabilizing muscles of the plantar arch.

Bulgarian Squat

The squat unipodales are much closer to the pattern of behavior in the race. Applying a great job of stabilizing both the core and especially the gluteus medius hip. Bulgarian squat, where the back leg is elevated, is an excellent exercise that manages to combine the work force, intermuscular coordination, stability and even mobility. Keep the trunk forward, bend both knees and tries to get the supporting leg remains always oriented on support foot, keeping the knee is projected forward. It is a movement down and not forward. The kickstand receives a great encouragement to improve proprioception and stability (if done barefoot, much better) and the hip flexors of the back leg receive a lift to descend, for this reason must maintain a strong activation of the wall abdominal preventing the lumbar spine to arch excessively. The unilateral work, also allow more homogeneous adaptations between the two hemibodies, avoiding imbalances.
 Lunge jump

The main function of the gluteus maximus in the race is to manage the impact with an eccentric contraction. To approach this pattern of mechanical behavior, and if you have power and control, will be very successful eccentrics and small and quick reaction pliometrías work. A self-loading exercise is hopping Stride: push yourself to
change the support with a good range of legs.
Core hip

The work of the muscles of the abdominal wall will bring stability to the lumbar region but also must include exercises that activate the gluteus medius hip. The criteria.
It is to select exercises that bring benefits of improved strength to the gluteus medius, but which in turn do not apply a high voltage in other structures that would be inappropriate. In this regard, the side plate with bent knee support helps to avoid significant participation and involvement of muscle tension
fascia lata (TFL) and increased tension in the iliotibial band.

Effective Treatment To Lose Weight In A Week

If you are looking for a treatment to lose weight in a week may be due to various reasons. For example you have a large party, you go on vacation or you have said "enough" to the body you have. It does not really matter what the reason, what does matter is that you've made the decision to improve your silhouette.

Treatment To Lose Weight In A Week In the following article I will give an example of diet that will be very useful.

You can develop it for 7 days and then wait three weeks before returning to do it. So your health will be strengthened and become slim as desired.

How is the treatment to lose weight in a week?

It is necessary that you consider that to lose weight between 3 and 5 kilos must carry out this treatment to lose weight in a week to the letter.

Both in the week of the diet as in the following you can not eat food with much sugar such as sweets, chocolates, etc. You also can not drink soda or alcohol.

Pay close attention to diet to reduce several kilos in 7 days:

    Breakfast Treatment to lose weight in a week

It consists of ½ cup oatmeal with a little skim milk, 2 slices whole wheat bread and 1 cup of fresh fruit.


Eat 150 grams of lean white meat (can be chicken, fish or turkey), grilled, roasted or steamed, 1 bowl of salad vegetables including tomatoes, lettuce, celery, cucumber and carrot.

To flavor olive oil, lemon juice and spices. It also adds ½ cup cooked vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, squash, zucchini, carrots, etc.


Treatment to lose weight in a week - herbal tea A bowl of fruit salad with apple, melon, papaya, pear and grapes and a cup of herbal tea (chamomile for example).

These are the three main meals of treatment to lose weight in a week. But it is not the only thing you are allowed to consume:

    By midmorning eat a raw fruit (such as an apple or a pear), in the afternoon a pot of yogurt or a cup of tea with 2 slices whole wheat bread.

    At all times I recommend you drink water to make 2 liters per day in winter and 3 liters when it's hot or you're training.

Especially in relation to the exercise it is necessary to practice 2 times a week at least 1 hour each time.

Treatment to lose weight in a week - Actually, what you like and be according to your age, your weight, your physique, etc. While the best are aerobic exercises that make you lose fat you would also be useful to lift some weights or swimming.

Since we probably will not have time for everything, I advise you to choose a discipline you like to complete your treatment to lose weight in a week and have effective results. Ideally, you follow a plan of action that will guide you step by step in your diet and your physical activity.

Diet To Lose Weight In Two Weeks: Pineapple Diet

The pineapple has many health benefits, among them to promote weight loss. This diet to lose weight in two weeks is designed for you to lose up to 3 kilos per week.

Diet To Lose Weight In Two Weeks Pineapple is refreshing but also diuretic, as it favors the expulsion of excess fluid. It provides enzymes, fiber, water, vitamins and minerals and greatly facilitates the removal of fat deposits in the body.

This is a simple diet where you have to not eliminate your favorite foods. Remember that the pineapple should be natural, preserved in syrup obviously will not work to lose kilos.
Diet to lose weight in two weeks with pineapple

    First week

In the first week you should consume 2 slices of pineapple before each meal. You do not have to do anything except reducing fats and sugars, and to increase the amount of water to drink.

    Second week

Prepare the "pineapple drink": In a glass of water at room temperature ½ lemon squeezes and add 4 tablespoons fresh pineapple juice. Take it on an empty stomach.

For breakfast: 2 pineapple slices and low-fat yogurt.

For lunch: grilled meats, fresh salads and hearty 2 servings of complex carbohydrates. Serve with pineapple drink.

For dinner: Light meal, preferably fish or roast turkey, many raw vegetables (radishes, carrots, broccoli, lettuce, tomato, cucumber ...) plus pineapple drink.

Snacks in the diet to lose weight in two weeks drink a glass of pineapple drink. You can also do it whenever you feel hungry.

You can extend this diet for two weeks, as follows:

    Third week

Breakfast will be equal (two slices of pineapple with low-fat yogurt); will lunch with chicken and green salad with pineapple drink.

And dinner, something light with pineapple drink. The same recommendation for snacks and if you feel peckish, drink a glass of pineapple drink.

    Fourth week

Breakfast does not change, but lunch can change it by changing the lean turkey chicken, baked with salt and pepper, and accompanied by pineapple drink, of course.

For dinner, eat vegetable soup, to strengthen the energy of your body.

And every time you feel hungry drink a glass of pineapple drink.

With this diet to lose weight in two weeks we guarantee the loss of at least 6 or 7 kilos, depending on your metabolism, maybe more.

Diet for Healthy Weight Loss

If you need to lose a little fat, especially the last rebels kilos and maintain your results forever reinforces this diet with sistma 3 WEEKS DIET, Brian Flatt.

This program is the best option that exists for anyone looking to lose weight fast without having to spend so much time in the gym or starve every day.

With a totally natural and revolutionary plan, this is the best diet to lose weight healthy and in record time.

Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Running Group

Do not miss the opportunity and take advantage of group run by solving the drawbacks with these tips and tricks.

Train mo

In particular, I have directed multiple groups of runners of all levels for many years and I assure you that the experiences and product developments have been very enriching, not only in sporting terms but also in the socio-affective. In Leon, despite being a small town, we have 3 different groups organized training, with which we made photos of this article.

IMPORTANT: it is impossible for them to train in a group have the same level and always have to adapt, as far as possible, the training, so that everyone feels comfortable and does not work nor more nor less. This difficult task in principle, be very easy if who directs us is a coach with tables and knowledge.


Running alone:

- Promotes individualism
- Increase the capacity of individual sacrifice
- No more support and self-motivation
- It is often boring
- Monotony in training

Running Group:

- Develop social factor
- Generates strength of both group and individual
- It has the support and encouragement from peers
- Wide variety of sessions and trainings
- It is very funny

Training for group


They involve rolling mean distances without excessive difficulty soft, comfortable and relaxed pace.


Allowed to accumulate time without realizing it, since we can chat and comment "battles" of racing while accumulate kilometers.


It is difficult to shoot at a comfortable pace for everyone.


Keep a means very strong or very mild pace, leaving only "the picadillas" for the final leg, where the most run will recover. Optionally, the fastest runners can take detours in various sections of the course to give advantage to rest or if there is no chance, run back to back in the opposite direction forward.


They are to establish different distances to make them quickly looking to improve speed.


The series are made fun and motivate runners that make them better than alone.


About the same distance it is difficult to gauge recovery times to be equal for all.


When a particular series is made, ensure that all runners start and stop at the same time, therefore, once the first group has covered the distance, everyone else must also stop. Thus, the effort will be equivalent for all.


They are very diverse and varied ways of toning different muscle groups availing ourselves of support or resistance of a partner.


Allows "have a laugh" doing exercises and taking very different positions that individually would be a real ordeal.


Sometimes the concentration altered by the ongoing talks between runners.


Try to do the exercises with people of your same size and weight so as not to be unbalanced.


Linear and in groups of two to five people we running different technical exercises (knees up, heels ass, second triple ...) covering a certain distance and turning up the sides not to obstruct those who come behind us.


The exercises are guided and are made so soon and in series allowing constant supervision of the instructor and our partners to correct possible defects and failures of execution, something we can not do when we run alone.


Some brokers may be ashamed not to do well by not having enough coordination.


Watch the rest of peers to realize their failures so they can take account of our own, and making them aware interiorizing.


It is to go to the races with the same kit and defending the group name coaching.


Ensures you do not feel alone in the race and can play the test more relaxed and relaxed manner. The team will encourage, motivate and help in the actual competition in a special way by the ties of friendship that have emerged during workouts.


Possible exaggerated and misplaced resentments.


Try to together again colleagues who may have a similar pace, to make part of the journey with them, but always bearing in mind that everyone is going to make his career and nobody has to wait for anyone, something that is only justifiable in practice but not in the competition.


all the usual stretching be performed but setting a runtimes for them all together or separately while chatting in a relaxed manner.


It will help the partners to make complicated stretches where we need help or resistance.


If not done correctly, we can injure us.


Follow the same routine stretching all at once, so that we do not disperse talking and leaving aside the stretch.
re people used to work differently, seeking to give variety to training and free the mind to better cope with solo careers. It will serve to give a touch of originality to our training with various exercises and quality. To run group must be to agree several corridors and be at least one day a week and a maximum of three (on alternate days). Ideally sign up for any of the countless structured groups you can find in almost any city, but also may be with some other runners in the neighborhood and slowly gradually increase the group.

Truth of the 6 diets More Celebs

There are thousands of diets designed for weight loss, the big difference between them is that some can cause more problems than remedy because they do not provide the body with enough nutrients to function properly.

Weight-loss diets Below some of these popular diets that many put into practice and have produced the expected effects. Take your precautions before choosing the one that suits you.

Dieting: the 6 most used

1. Diet 5: 2:

It is based on intermittent fasting diet. You must eat normally but in a healthy way for 5 days a week and fast in the remaining two days.

It is said that this program improves life expectancy and brain function, but the absence of major food does cause dizziness and difficulty sleeping.

2. Dukan Diet:

It is one of the diets that require low carb foods and an abundant amount of protein. What more should be consumed in this program is chicken, turkey, eggs, fish and dairy fat.

You can lose weight quickly at first, but over time the loss will be slower.

3. Diet cave:

Diets - Chicken consists of eating only foods that can be hunted and fish, such as meat and fish, and foods that can be collected, such as eggs, nuts, seeds, vegetables and spices.

One of the great advantages of this diet is that it encourages less processed and healthier choices for your body.

4. New Atkins diet:

Initially, it is a diet low in carbohydrates and with fewer restrictions than many other diets. more foods are introduced as advances in diet and in the early stages of weight loss is quite fast, what motivates the person to follow the plan.

5. South Beach Diet:

It is a diet that was designed for patients with heart problems. This diet should not count calories or portions should be eaten three times a day and should eat two snacks.

It consists mainly of meat, vegetables and unsaturated fats; the absence of some foods can cause the body initially decompensate.

6. Slimming Diet:

Diets - Slimming is a food plan that invites people to follow him to eliminate foods high in fat and replace foods that satisfy your appetite and do not contain fats.

Among these foods we can mention the fruits, vegetables, pasta, potatoes, rice, lean meats, fish and eggs. Of all these foods you can consume the desired amount without limit.

It is one of the most popular weight loss diets because it is balanced and does not involve severe changes or too many restrictions.

My recommendation is do not put your health at stake. Today it is possible to achieve rapid and completely safe with 3 WEEKS DIET, Brian Flatt results. This revolutionary new system will make you lose all your body fat in record time.

slimming detox diet

For its new system of food combining and completely different exercises all you know so far, this plan will make you burn fat without losing muscle mass, keeping your metabolic system accelerated and filling you with energy.

Not only see you getting thinner day with this detox slimming diet also'll feel better, your skin will look luminous and hydrated, and even your hair will be healthier.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

Difference between PRO and prebiotics

Sure you've heard of them hundreds of times right? But sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from one another. Today we will try to unravel its meaning and importance.

For the body to function properly we have the help of microorganisms that live in our intestines. They are responsible for completing the digestion of some nutrients that we can not digest.
They are so important that when not suffer diarrhea among other things. (For example, when we die certain antibiotics.)
Well, Probiotic foods are characterized by living organisms in their composition. These organisms will settle in our gut and be part of our flora.
An example of probiotic food are enriched yogurts bifidobacteria or lactobacilli.
Prebiotic foods contain substances that help to live in the intestinal microorganisms. Generally are non-digestible carbohydrates in the human gut. We find these substances in plant foods such as plantains, tomatoes, leeks, garlic ..
To maintain good intestinal health have to consume an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables a day (5 servings), with that help our flora to live and work better in our gut.
If you also take probiotics (yogurt type or typical ACTIVE BIO) will improve the profile of our intestinal flora.
But remember, to be healthy and have a stable weight the most important thing is to eat everything, every day, in the amounts you need :-)

Exercises to lose weight fast without leaving home

Hello everyone, today we bring you an exercise routine to lose weight fast.
But, what differentiates this training to allow us to lose weight faster than other methods of weight loss?
Simply because a HIIT (high intensity interval training). Christian means that interval training high intensity. You can learn more about the topic link above.
But this type of training has its drawbacks, the first thing to be completely healthy to avoid any health problems since you'll test your body being subjected to great stress.
Another drawback is that you need a state of minimally acceptable way, because if you're in very bad shape can not be exploiting the potential of this training because you will not be able to print the right intensity to burn fat properly. If this is your case, I recommend you try a workout for beginners for one or two weeks before you start doing this exercise routine to lose weight rápido.Ejercicios to lose weight fast
You also need to take adequate food and if after doing this training in which you get burn 400 or 500 kcal with much effort and then eat a Big Mac you have 600 or 700 kcal will be worse than before I started, by so I recommend that you follow a healthy diet to achieve a progressive loss of weight and continued feeding.
Training to lose weight fast include 2 circuits, one heating, composed of 4 exercises and HIIT consists of 10 exercises.
The heating circuit is nothing special, it's just to get a little warm up and prepare the body for the 2nd circuit is much more intensity.
In the HIIT circuit 5 high intensity exercises to be made for 30 seconds combined with low impact aerobic exercises to be made for 60 seconds as active rest combined.

Structure of exercises to lose weight fast:

Hip twist and touch ground-30s
Opening and closing legs with jump-30s
sidestep and touch ground-30s

Step heel-60s
Fist knee-60s
Squat and knees to chest-30s
Elbow knee-60s
Lunge jump-30s
Kneed right-60s
2 jumps and knees to chest-30s
Kneed left-60s

The 6 Best Slimming Protein Shakes

There are delicious protein shakes to lose weight with which you can supplement your diet and still enjoy delicious and refreshing drinks that make a valuable nutritional contribution to your diet.

Protein shakes for following them thin, are smoothies with protein as the main element and can switch to get the required amount of these macronutrients in the diet you have chosen.

Protein shakes for weight loss: 6 delicious recipes

1. Shake peanut butter and banana:

In some feeding programs it is considered that this smoothie is so complete from the nutritional that can replace a meal, especially at breakfast time.

You just need to put in your food processor half banana, half a cup peanut butter low-fat, half cup of nonfat milk, a spoonful of black chocolate powder and 6 ice cubes.

2. Shake mocca:

Yes, it is one of the most amazing protein shakes for weight loss because it is prepared with chocolate, a food that is not usually present in diets. To prepare you will need half a cup vanilla yogurt low in fat, a shot of espresso, two teaspoons of cocoa powder and four ice cubes.

3. Watermelon Smoothie: protein shakes for weight loss

It is one of the most refreshing drinks you can take, you also get a very low-calorie food and fat that will not affect your diet.

The recipe calls for 6 cups seedless watermelon cubes, a cup of yogurt or low-fat milk and 12 ice cubes.

Put first watermelon on the processor and slowly add yogurt or milk to avoid being cut.

4. Blueberry Smoothie:

It is very commonly found in protein shakes for weight loss that contain ingredients berries, such as blueberries, this is because they are rich in antioxidants and very low in calories.

Prepare this smoothie with half a banana, a little soy protein, half a tablespoon of flax oil, a quarter cup of fresh or frozen blueberries and 8 ounces of water.

5. strawberry and banana smoothie:

Protein shakes diet - banana strawberry and banana Again, one of the easiest to combine and better tasting fruits.

In this case, the ingredients are: a cup of strawberries, a banana, half a cup of low-fat yogurt or milk 5 ice cubes and half orange slices.

Put everything in a blender until you have the desired texture.

6. Smoothie kiwi and cantaloupe:

The recipe calls for two cups of diced melon, apple cubes, a peeled and sliced ​​kiwi, a tablespoon of lemon juice and ice cubes you prefer.

It is another protein shakes to lose weight you should try for its taste and nutritional support it brings.

Protein shake diet do not have to go hungry or suffer hours on the treadmill: This method is effective because it gives you all the tools to speed up your metabolic system and put your body to burn fat even when you're at rest.

Combines today your protein shake diet with exercise and most powerful strategy to eliminate all your overweight in less than 21 days.

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Keys training to lose fat

Losing kilos of body fat health is not just a matter of eating fewer calories, burn more also, so correctly orient your training is critical to getting good results. The contents of a workout plan to lose fat should cover two main objectives: firstly, to produce a significant caloric expenditure. On the other, raise the metabolic rate.

1. Produce a high caloric expenditure

In this sense cardiovascular exercises are clearly the most suitable, the controversy always revolves around what would be the duration and intensity adequate to metabolize fat deposits as energy fuel (use stored fat in your body as a source of majority energy). Clarifying this point is difficult because there is a point from which to begin energy production through fat and on the other hand, also it depends on the fitness level of each person. What we can do is recommend important criteria you should consider.

→ The best means

Choose cardiovascular movilices media where the greatest amount of muscle mass and the least possible fatigue occurs. This at first seems difficult, we can solve choosing where media without impact and mobilize both the lower body, as the top. The most suitable, especially for beginners and overweight people are elliptical, rowing and swimming, less suitable for producing rapid local fatigue are career and stair stepper.

→ Time and intensity

We have always heard that fat starts to burn after 30 minutes, however this is not true at all. To access the fat reserves, we deplete significantly glycogen stores, this change of energy supplies occurs progressively and underhanded way, as they are depleted stocks of muscle glycogen and blood glucose, the body tends progressively to obtain energy through degradation of fatty acids. Therefore, longer exercise duration, greater participation of fats as energy supply. For this reason, we can consider that a cardiovascular exercise with less than 30 minutes will be unable to use energy reserves as fat, instead exercises than 40 minutes, significantly access to fat reserves form.

In terms of intensity, it will depend on the fitness level. trained people should select high moderate intensities (60-85%), while people who do not have a good aerobic capacity should choose low to moderate intensities (50 to 70%)

2. Raise the metabolic rate

Another very important issue and that sometimes goes unnoticed, it is to try our bodies maintain a high caloric intake. In this sense, the muscle tissue is largely responsible for achieving a high metabolism. People with high muscle tone, need greater supply of nutrients, muscle synthesis, temperature control, etc. An active muscle, represents a high metabolic cost, even, and this is important, at rest. Finally, a cross and varied means and methods, training will avoid these overloads that occur when we make the same gesture or repetitive activity and also be much more entertaining and motivating.

For this reason, it is very suitable for weight loss goals, including a program of strength-resistance with a goal of improved muscle tone.

→ type training

Strength programs that complement a cardiovascular workout to lose weight should be strength-endurance type exercises where large muscle groups are selected, in the form of circuit and with moderate loads where we notice some muscle fatigue with 15 to 20 repetitions.

→ Sessions addressed

The group classes such as "Body-pump" where free weights are handled, are also an interesting alternative to meet this objective. You can substitute your training room for these sessions. Although for people that start is advisable to start with a program room with machines for conditioning and then to access collective sessions are more demanding.

→ Order of the exercises

To encourage energy production through fat deposits, it is appropriate that we place the previous strength training to cardiovascular. In this way we get a double benefit: on the one hand will deplete glycogen stores much earlier for faster access to fat in subsequent cardiovascular training form, and on the other hand, strength training causes a hormonal discharge of catecholamines positively involved in the production of energy through the degradation of fatty tissue deposits.

→ A weekly ideal program

Here is a weekly program that will serve as a reference. Cardiovascular training should have a weekly total duration between 2 and 3 hours and strength training should be present two days a week with sessions between 30 and 40 minutes.

Where do the extra kilos?

Some people when they think of being overweight or obese think that you suffer from eating much every day, or having a disease that predisposes fat or because it simply is that there are people with extra kilos.

However, most of the time we see overweight or obese in the query is because the person who suffers, every day has small eating habits that are not correct. And, most times not identified as incorrect, and therefore can not be changed easily.

At the end the person who has put on weight is because for a while it took more energy than needed.

It is like thinking pantry house: if we buy more than we spend each day, we will accumulate products in the closet. But if we buy the righteous, we will not keep any because we spend all.

Almost all know the theory to eat well right? But sometimes it is not so easy to implement it :-)
I will give 5 quick and easy tips: that you are dieting with us, I am sure you will sound, because every day you are implementing:

1. Make 5 meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner, will be the most important, but never forget to make a balanced lunch and a snack.

2. Let your meals a little older than your dinners: remember that night we have less activity, so we do not need so much energy. Never stop dinner, but that is a light dinner.

3. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day: you will be better hydrous and go to the bathroom.

4. Always choose low fat or low calorie products. Notes, a glass of whole milk has 160 calories, but one low-fat has only 90.

5. Do not forbid any food: no good or bad foods, only we need to consider the frequency and amount recommended.

7 Tips to lose weight without counting calories

When you want to lose weight we have heard much of "Eat less, move more". Tips lose weight fast

Experts tell us that, considering that the goal of losing weight is just a matter of calories.

This is a mistake, since our bodies are more complex than this simple formula.

Different foods we eat affect hunger and hormones differently, also say that not all calories are equal.

There are many things you can do to lose weight fast, all without having to count a single calorie.

In this article I will tell seven proven ways to lose fat without exercising or counting calories:

7 tips to lose weight without counting calories


Losing weight can be as simple as making changes to your breakfast.


It has been shown in two studies that eating eggs in the morning (instead of rolls) helps you lose fat.

In one of these studies, a group of women were overweight or obese divided into two groups, one would bagels and other eggs at breakfast time.

The group that took eggs just eating fewer calories in food, in the rest of the day and in the following 36 hours.

The conclusion is that eggs provide us satiety for the rest of the day causing us to eat less at meals.

In another study, 152 overweight men and women were also divided into 2 groups. One group ate eggs, and the other rolls, two groups carrying a weight loss diet.

After 8 weeks the following results were:

The group that had eggs for breakfast lost 65% more weight.
There was reduced by 61% BMI.
There was reduced by 34% the waist circumference.
He had reduced the percentage of body fat by 16%.
The difference in weight loss was not large, but it shows that small details like changing a meal can cause major effects.

Another amazing benefit of eating eggs is that they are one of the healthiest foods in the world. It has been found in different studies that do not increase bad cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, which is believed long ago.

If you do not take eggs because you think it takes a long time to prepare, you are wrong. In just 8 minutes you can have your eggs ready.

Slows your alarm 8 minutes and problem solved.

Conclusion: Studies show that eating eggs at breakfast time helps you eat fewer calories the rest of the day, compared with a typical breakfast with bread.


It is a fact that the human brain is a little complex.

He works in mysterious ways, and not easy to control eating behavior.

The brain is responsible for deciding whether we should or should not eat.

But it is proven that there is a trick to "trick" our brain and think you've eaten more than you have actually eaten.

The trick is to use smaller plates.

The higher your plate, the less you think your brain that you have eaten. Using smaller plates, we deceive our brain to make you feel more satisfied eating fewer calories.

The trick may seem strange, but is proven and guaranteed to work.

Conclusion: If you use smaller plates in your meals will get "trick" your brain into thinking you've eaten more of what has actually eaten.


Protein is very important when losing weight that has not had a good reputation in the past nutrient.

how much protein you need

Many people think that hurts the calcium from the bones and causes kidney problems.

The reality is that science says this is totally false.

There are many studies that conclude that eating protein helps burn fat and reduce hunger, which helps in weight loss.

These studies have also shown that protein increases metabolism more than any other macronutrient.

One of the main reasons for this is that our body needs more calories to digest and use the protein that it uses for fat or carbohydrates.

The protein helps to increase satiety and significantly reduce hunger.

In a study, increased protein to 30% of daily calories allowed a reduction in total calories for the day at 441 calories.

Many studies confirm that increased protein intake helps to lose weight even eating until full.

Protein also helps us gain muscle, especially if we do weight training. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, meaning that a small amount of burning calories even when at rest.

The best way to get protein is eating animal foods such as meat, fish and eggs.

Conclusion: Increase protein intake in the diet helps to increase metabolism and reduce hunger. It also helps increase muscle mass, which helps burn more calories during the day.

 4. TAKE IN FIBER FOODS RICH AND LOW CALORIE WILL us feel fuller with fewer calories

Another way to feel more satisfied with fewer calories is by eating foods that have a low energy density.

Detox Diets

This includes foods that are rich in water, such as vegetables and some fruits.

Studies show that more weight is lost with a diet with foods with low energy density with diet food with high energy density.

In one study, it was found that women who ate soup (low energy density) lost 50% more weight than women a high-energy snack were taken.

Vegetables are also rich in soluble fiber, which has been shown in several studies to aid in weight loss.

Another benefit of soluble fiber is decomposing bacteria in the digestive tract to cause a fatty acid called butyrate, which is believed to have positive effects against obesity, at least in rats.

A recipe for success is to combine foods from animals (rich in protein) with plant foods (low energy density).

Conclusion: Choosing foods with low energy density (such as fruits and vegetables) helps to be more satisfied with fewer calories

5. HELPS REDUCE CARBS A Lose Weight Fast

Probably one of the best ways to lose weight without counting calories is to reduce carbohydrates.


Studies show that people who reduce carbohydrates, automatically begin to eat fewer calories and lose weight effortlessly.

In a study of 53 women with overweight / obesity were two groups, one would make a low carb diet and the other a low-fat diet., All for 6 months.

It was that women in the group got low-carb diet lose twice as much weight (8.5 kilos) eating to fullness, while the group of low-fat diet lost 3.9 kilos, also had to cut calories.

The best way to reduce carbohydrates is to eliminate your meals sugars, sweets, soft drinks and starchy foods like bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.

A good range may be between 100 and 150 grams of carbohydrates a day. If you want to lose weight fast then you can lose 50 grams / day.

Another great advantage of reducing carbohydrates is that insulin levels are reduced, which causes the kidneys to excrete excess sodium and water from the body, which greatly reduces the swelling and water weight.

Conclusion: Reducing carbohydrates helps reduce appetite and lose weight, all without having to be counting calories. It also helps reduce the weight of water in the body.


sleep and weight control

Two things that are often ignored when it comes to health is the quality of sleep and stress.

Both are very important for a good functioning of our body and hormones.

Poor sleep causes several risk factors for obesity, increases the risk by 89% for children and 55% in adults.

Lack of sleep increases hunger and cravings, it also causes a biochemical trend that causes weight gain by influencing negatively on the hormones that regulate hunger, ghrelin and leptin.

Increased stress helps increase levels of the hormone cortisol, which increases the accumulation of abdominal fat and the risk of chronic diseases.

It is therefore very important to take care of the quality of sleep and avoid unnecessary stress factors.

Conclusion: Poor sleep and too much stress can cause malfunction important hormones such as ghrelin, leptin and cortisol. Getting a proper functioning of these hormones helps reduce appetite and desire to cravings.


coconut oil benefits

Coconut oil has properties that help reduce appetite and increase fat burning.

Coconut oil is rich in fats known as medium chain triglycerides.

These fatty acids metabolized differently from other fats way, go directly to the liver where they are used for energy or convert them into ketone bodies.

Two small studies show that consumption of these fats cause medium chain eat fewer calories, showing a reduction of 256 calories a day.

These fats also increase energy expenditure, even 5%, shown in a study.

Consume 30 ml coconut oil causes significant reductions in BMI and waist circumference, a marker of abdominal fat.

Nor is that from now on abuses of coconut oil, nothing like that, only used for cooking, replacing other oils coconut oil.

Making small changes helps optimize hormones, to reduce hunger and increase metabolism, which certainly will help you lose a lot of weight without having to be counting calories.

That's all, any doubts as always feel free to leave a comment below, thanks for reading.

Powerful Diets to Lose Weight: Kilos In A Week 10

Need diets to lose weight in a week 10 kilos, suffer from obesity or overweight and therefore remarkable looking for these options. Well, these diets are designed to not extend over time, or make them with breaks of one month.
Diets To Lose Weight In A Week 10 Kilos The danger of such schemes is that they are low-calorie (so you lower both), and if you make them longer than directed can jeopardize your health.
Anyway, after doing this diet for 7 days, it is best to adopt a system to reduce more slowly. These are crash diets to stimulate metabolism and facilitate weight loss.
Diets to lose weight in a week 10 kilos: the wonder soup
This soup, also called "miracle" was created in Loma Linda Hospital in California, USA, in 1988, for heart patients with excess weight they needed to lose kilos quickly before undergoing surgery.
The soup is a recipe popularized becoming widely used by those who wanted to lose weight fast and safe.
It consists of a 7 day plan purification and elimination of toxins, after which your body will be healthier and less weight. Food that week is with vegetables, fruits, meat and soup.
It does not include any meal, fat or sugar, and therefore metabolism accelerates and uses energy reserves, burning calories.
Remember not to follow the diet for more than seven days because there gives you all the nutrients needed to be healthy.
Wonder recipe soup diets to lose weight in a week 10 kilos - miraculous soup

3 white onions, 1 green pepper, 1 tomato, 1 head cabbage, 1 bunch of celery, 2 carrots, natural spices and salt to taste.

Cut vegetables into small cubes, put them to cook in a pot with enough water, season with salt and spices and simmer until vegetables are tender.
Power Plan
In diets to lose weight in a week 10 kilos with marigold soup, this diet plan is to follow:

Day 1: Eat several servings of fruit (watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple) during the day.

Day 2: Eat all kinds of fresh vegetables and preferably raw. Do not eat beans, corn or green peas. You can prepare cooked vegetables if they like you, and increases water consumption.

Diets to lose weight in a week 10 kilos - miraculous Soup Day 3: Eat fruits and vegetables, avoid potatoes and bananas.

Day 4: On this day you should eat eight bananas and 6 glasses of skim milk. It will give you energy and reduce the desire to eat sweets.

Day 5: 2 to 3 Consume small portions of meat and 6 tomatoes, throughout the day. Meat should be roasted or cooked tomatoes can be raw or boiled. Drink water.

Day 6: Eat 2 to 3 servings of lean meat and combine them with abundant green vegetables, raw or boiled.

Day 7: Eat up to 3 servings of brown rice during the day and preparing fruit smoothies and vegetable unsweetened: Pineapple and cucumber, parsley and orange, beet and carrot, for example.
In these diets to lose weight in a week 10 kilos can consume the amount you want great soup daily, whenever you feel hungry. The soup is low-calorie, so you can take it whenever you want.

How to Lose Weight In A Week Eating Bananas

I have received many inquiries about how to lose weight fast in a week. Let me tell you that while you can lose weight in 7 days, do not recommend it. That time you used to start a diet and see results.

Lose weight in a week but do not expect miracles or lower many kilos in a week. Not that I have the ability to do so, but it would not be good for your health.

In this article I will give some tips so you can get the body you want and eating a healthy diet that fits your needs.

Still you have not tried the banana diet? Know it then!

Why choose banana to lose weight fast in a week?

All fruits are nutritious and beneficial for the body. That sure you know that. However, only some have the ability to help satiate your appetite and eliminate cravings for sweets continuously.

If you want to lose weight fast in a week I advise you to eat banana. Some call it "the king of fruits" because it feeds, it brings many proteins, vitamins and minerals and calms the nerves. Just what you need to lose weight!

As if little banana or banana gives you a good amount of potassium, which is essential for your body to function properly. It will be a perfect ally in your diet, do not hesitate to eat this fruit daily.

How to lose weight fast in a week eating banana lose weight fast in a week - Banana milk

One of the keys to this diet that will indicate you then is that it has very few calories. Only you can take out for 7 days because otherwise you will be risking your health.

It will help reduce up to 3 kilos, which is an "acceptable" amount to an overweight or obese.

As I said before, is not about not eating all day to lose weight 1 kilo every 24 hours, but feed evenly. They are not to miss you or vitamins, or proteins or carbohydrates.

One day in the banana diet consists of:

    Breakfast: 1 cup skim milk (can be with some coffee or tea) sweetened with stevia or sweetener, 1 slice whole grain bread and 1 banana.

    Lunch: 1 bowl of vegetable soup, 150 grams of Burgos cheese  (or 1 cup of skim milk) and 2 bananas.

    Dinner: 1 baked banana or mixed with milk (such as puree or smoothie) and a chamomile tea.

Lose weight in a week - Banana When you have appetite during the day you can drink natural infusions and especially lots of water.

This way you can lose weight fast in a week without effort or feel lacking in energy.

Smoothies to lose weight fast in a week'll lose all your body fat in record time, and you can use those clothes that you love and you are no longer.

You can start the program immediately, and is what I recommend to start enjoying the best smoothies to lose weight fast in a week, and a complete and simple plan that speeds up your metabolic rate naturally.

Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Have cauliflower does fiber

We all know that eating vegetables is healthy because they are high in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. It is not the first time Viton have recommended making them the basis of our diet. This time we will delve on one in particular, cauliflower, recommended by their high fiber, low calorie and low price.
Cauliflower belongs to the cruciferous family, which are part of other vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, red cabbage, turnip or radish. All very important for its healing and protective properties. Although in Spain the most consumed is cauliflower.
Its origin is ancient, it began to grow in the regions of Asia Minor thousands of years ago, and in a princio was used as a remedy to end headache. It was not until the sixteenth century, when it was imported to France and began to consume as food. In Spain it would be two centuries later.
It is a staple food in our diet, not because I say so, but it is high in fiber, beta carotene (provitamin A), vitamins C and K, minerals antioxidants (zinc, selenium).
Especially it features a high folate content that serve to strengthen the immune system and riboflavin, important in the production of red blood cells, as well as potassium and magnesium, important in maintaining muscle and bone. In addition we must not forget its low calorie content, which makes the cauliflower in a food star in any diet.

Of course, one must be very careful when preparing it. The recommended way is less cooking water, as most of their vitamins and minerals to solubilize with water are lost. What I suggest is to prepare steamed because it retains much of its properties. Another way would be eaten raw, although not highly recommended for its taste and texture.

Science recipes

Many of the schemes that follows people are diets developed by a computer, specifically by software: data of the person is put and automatically calculate your needs. In less than a second is diet.

But we do not, we do not work with any software: we are the ones we do and choose recipes for each person.

It may seem a simple task, but it is more complex
it seems, basically we distinguish two parts for each person:
- Single Party (tastes and lifestyle of the patient)
- Scientific Party (nutritional requirements and calories than you need)
So every day is unique to each person.

We have to take into account the tastes of the person, so that the diet is pleasant and inviting, and his RHYTHM OF LIFE: is not the same for a person who has a lot of free time, which for a 40-year-old working out home and have less time and inclination to work in the kitchen.
We must also take into account their nutritional requirements: study the amount of calcium, fiber, iron ... etc that the person will need to be 100%.
And of course, we have to calculate the calories you need your diet to lose weight at a good pace.

Well, when creating each recipe we consider these four things.
For us the science is important, it depends on the patient's health and diet is effective and thin at a good pace.
But the other part, which has to do with the likes of the person, is equally important. The food is a pleasure and it is our obligation to make rich, simple and tasty for patients to enjoy eating while in care recipes.

Some past and present, patients are surprised how well we eat with our diets :) And that gives us much joy! Because in addition to getting a good result, we get that person a good time in the process.

So in short: we can adapt any recipe to your diet, from a traditional pizza cooked to a 4 seasons. The key is you who will define your tastes and needs and in us, that considering adapt your nutritional requirements and energy needs.

How to Lose 5 Kilos in One Week

How to lose 5 kilos in a week? If I have to be honest I think to lose 5 kilos in a week is a lot of kilos too big, maybe some people get it, but it will be mainly removing liquids and not fat, and it is important that you get it losing fat and most importantly you know what you must do to not get it back again.
All we know these diets are restrictive and really exhausting and complicated to follow. I always prefer to make small changes to my diet and I assure you get great results and you? Here are some ways to lose kilos in a week?
 EAT 7 small meals throughout the day
If you eat small meals throughout the day, you get speed up your metabolism and reach your weight loss goals.
Just make sure you eat plenty of lean protein and vegetables as the main part of your meals.
In case you need some help, you can contact us as consultants have extensive experience welfare to show you the right way to achieve your goals.
If you decide to eat out, be sure to make healthy choices, if you see that there is plenty you can share food with someone. So you get save calories. If you do not like to share, you can leave it or take it to home.
Related article: 3 Simple Steps To Lose Weight (Endorsed by Studies)
This is one of my main pillars to achieve my goals. Make salads are the main part of your meals and see how it improves your health and weight control easier.
You'll increase your daily fiber intake, have more energy and will reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer. Besides that, the salads are low in calories and help you reduce kilos
how to lose 5 kilos
Drink plenty of water
Drink 8 to 12 glasses of water daily, you will be helping your digestive system, decrease the urge to get snacks and hydrated your body. Drink plenty of water every day and you're taking a big step to solve your question How to quickly and easily lose kilos in a week?
Related article: If you are looking for foods you should eat, check out the following article: The 20 Best food on the planet to lose weight
 5 Be Active
If you want to lose kilos quickly it is important to exercise 4 to 5 days a week. Start with light exercise for 2 or 3 days, lasting about 45 minutes to the hour, as you go try to climb taking shape day and the duration time to time. For example starts walking and gradually stir it speed.
You come home tired, you sit in front of the TV and start chopping things you should not, you should know that those calories not going to burn before going to sleep, and missing a few hours, things that will make weight.
If you want to avoid that, and you need a snack after dinner opt for vegetables or chopped fruits.
Making healthy choices to achieve your physical goals. The hardest thing is to start changing habits that have long been with us, but once we started to do and will be easier to apply on a daily basis.
If you're going to make a plan to quit, why you not think physical activity? You can for example take a bike ride or walk to somewhere with friends in a beautiful area of ​​the city. There is nothing like the union through exercise. Also, you get two very important things, have fun and achieve your goals to lose kilos quickly.

Make small healthy changes and opt for a style better than we substantiate life is to get your physical and health goals part. Stop dreaming and start moving to achieve your goals.