
Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Weight loss meal plans

Weight loss meal plans 1

After the excesses does not hurt one day cleansing diet to help eliminate toxins, mentalizarte there to lose weight and strengthen the will.

1 yogurt skimming with muesli
1 block with skin
you rooibos

1 carrot raw well masticated
1 small cheese Burgos

Spinach and brown rice cooked with onions and extra virgin olive oil
100 g of grilled tofu
1 baked apple

Natural yogurt with a tablespoon of wheat germ and 3 prunes

Onion soup, celery and zucchini with olive oil and brewer's yeast
Average natural pineapple
Skimmed milk 1 dessert

* Lemon juice is an effective cleanser with great diuretic and laxative effect, vitamin C also provides protective immune system, collagen and joints and anti-inflammatory effect. Fasting seems to favor burning fat reserves, although it is convenient to dilute it in water to avoid damaging the tooth enamel.

Now that you've removed the toxins is time to recharge the batteries for maximum efficiency in your training and start up the machine "fat-burning" muscle.

A fresh orange juice
Pu Erh tea
1 toasted bread with extra virgin olive oil and natural tomato

1 block and two crab sticks

steamed green beans
Chicken breast grilled with lettuce
2 tangerines

5 Natural Natural yogurt with nuts

Salad of celery, carrot, cabbage and onion seasoned with olive oil
Season's fruit

* For snacking takes a handful (5-7) with natural almond brown skin and salt. This nut helps regulate blood insulin so it can reduce appetite and avoid pecking midafternoon. Besides almonds they will provide protein and energy as monounsaturated fat.

Midweek have to give some "rod" to mobilize body fat and get to burn more calories with 60-90 minutes of aerobic exercise (running, swimming, rowing, etc.) Fills deposits carbohydrate assimilation slow, healthy protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Natural orange juice
Earl Grey tea
1 block with plain yogurt
1 slice of bread 7-grain with smoked salmon

1 pear and hazelnuts bought five shell

Broccoli with tomato
1 chicken breast 150 g.
Season's fruit

5 Natural Natural yogurt with nuts

Tomato and mozzarella cheese with slightly seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and oregano
A slice of tuna lean grilled
Season's fruit

* Salmon, tuna, emperor, sardines, mackerel and herring are cold-water fish, a good source of protein for your muscles and omega-3 to help maintain weight and have a cardiovascular protective effect and antiinflammatory.

Resting still have to get the muscles burn more fat with light activities: climbing stairs, walking 30 minutes home circuit 5 minute abs and backgrounds, dancing, etc. the goal is to keep the muscles going.

black tea with lemon
fresh pineapple
1 omelette with spicy chili or cayenne pepper
1 slice whole wheat bread

1 dessert soy
2 tangerines

Chickpea salad with cherry tomatoes and mozarella cheese
Grilled swordfish with tomato
Season's fruit

Natural yogurt with nuts bought 5 shell

Broccoli and carrot stew with small potato
Turkey drumsticks baked with tomato
Season's fruit

* Eggs are good food that helps burn fat and build muscles because they provide high quality protein and B vitamins is best that has not been shown to increase LDL cholesterol levels and have ungran satiating power breakfast .

Proteiniza your diet to gain more muscle in the gym, today it's weight training, focus each week on a muscle group and do not forget to take healthy fats to optimize results.

Natural orange juice
I red or pu erh
1 egg
1 plain yogurt

Two graham crackers

Lentils with vegetables and chicken
Hake with lettuce
Season's fruit

Oatmeal with milk and prunes

Red fruit salad with goat cheese and arugula
Grilled turkey with tomato
Season's fruit

* Legumes like lentils help build muscle, burn fat and regulate digestion. Not only provide vegetable protein, also they provide satiating fiber and plant iron to prevent anemia.

Saturday is the perfect day to devote more time to take care of yourself, give the body taste, eat better and take advantage of the day off to do your favorite outdoor sports: skiing, swimming, mountain biking, race rural roads, etc. Whatever you want between 90'y 120'a aerobic pace. It will help you lose that last michelĂ­n left over you, and if you feel strongly, the Saturday Night Fever awaits you on the dance floor.

Natural orange juice
rooibos tea
Natural yogurt with muesli, raisins and nuts

To train carries natural fruit, 1 energy bar rich in omega-3 fatty acids

brown rice with mushrooms
Steamed mussels
Season's fruit

1 toasted bread with tomato
natural and extra virgin olive oil

Lettuce salad, prawns, crab sticks, tuna and corn with olive oil
Lean beef steak
Season's fruit

* Extra virgin olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats that protect your heart and arteries,
the immune system, joints and prevent mental deterioration.

On Sunday you have to train but also eat well, you have to enjoy life. One day a week can afford small healthy diet fads that do not change the mood and relax with family and friends.

Natural orange juice
2 slices of cereal bread with extra virgin olive oil, natural tomato and prosciutto fat
low-fat dairy dessert
Pu-erh tea

plain yogurt
2 tangerines

1 beer or 1 glass of red wine
Pickles (gherkins, onions, eggplants)

Potato salad, tomato, onion, boiled egg and tuna
Lubina in the oven
Sorbet natural alcoholic fruit

homemade popcorn without salt

Steamed cauliflower carrot
Pork chop grilled
Season's fruit

* No get slim by eating less and less, losing weight is achieved when you eat well and train every day. The holidays should be active days, forget the couch and seize the day to organize activities with friends and family, so you can enjoy the appetizer and the good food without bad conscience.

Weight loss meal plans 2

To Lose Weight Eating Plan With Healthy Food

If you implement a food plan based on 1200 calories daily you help make your weight loss more effective and safe. Anyone who begins to have a healthy eating plan gives the body the necessary nutrients, allowing to stay within the minimum of essential calories to lose weight.
Also, a healthy eating plan helps prevent the risk of heart disease and other health problems. This plan should contain healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish, eggs, beans and whole grains.
Also, if you accompany this eating plan with physical activity you can get better results, so to lose at least 2 pounds per week, be sure to ingest daily between 1000 and 1200 calories, also it takes half an hour of exercise.
DAY NO. 1.
A glass of skim milk.
An orange.
One cup of whole grain.
A cup of melon.
A slice of whole wheat bread.
A cup of beef broth with small portions of noodles.
A fillet of grilled turkey.
A serving of vegetarian salad.
Four ounces of celery sticks.
Roasted cod accompanied with tomatoes and capers.
Half a banana.
Half a cup of brown rice.
An Apple.
DAY NO. 2.
A slice of papaya.
A low-fat yogurt.
A bowl of cereal with skim milk.
A granola bar.
Romaine salad with tomatoes and carrots.
An orange juice.
Shrimp salad.
A low-fat yogurt.
A serving of steamed Brussels sprouts.
A peach.
A roasted chicken breast without skin.
DAY NO. 3.
2 boiled eggs.
Half a cup of blueberries.
A slice of whole wheat bread.
A cup of milk with coffee and sugar.
An Apple.
A portion of Spanish tortilla.
A cup of chicken salad with vegetables.
A slice of oat bran bread with fewer calories.
An avocado salad.
A light lemon yogurt, sweetened with low-calorie sweetener.
A portion of sauteed spinach.
A glass of skim milk.
A serving of steamed vegetables.
A glass of tangerine juice.
DAY NO. Four.
A corn arepa.
A slice of bread accompanied with a serving of cheese with low fat content.
A cup of coffee with skim milk.
A portion of grapes.
A fillet of beef served with a tomato salad with onions and lettuce.
A serving of fruit salad.
Half cup of brown rice.
A tangerine.
An infusion or tea.
A slice of melon and papaya.
DAY NO. 5.
One cup of whole grain cereal with skim milk.
An Apple.
A light gelatin.
A cup of vegetable soup with chicken breast without skin.
Roasted chicken fat.
A vegetable salad with tuna.

Undoubtedly the weekends are the most difficult days in the process of eating plan to lose weight, because normally places where you can eat many delicious meals are visited. But it is important not recaigas in the consumption of foods that can spoil your weight loss goal, so eat healthily and choose low-calorie foods.

Not everyone is successful every time after any weight loss meal plan, more often created by someone else. Only you know your likes and dislikes, and, to put it simply, not everyone will lose weight in all plans, especially when they are women. Women have more difficulties than men when it comes to diet, and hormones are a big part of that difficulty. The answer to a program that works can be to create your own, based on the best advice available.

 A weight loss meal plan should have a goal in mind

The key to developing a weight loss program is to establish a reasonable goal. This will help you create meal plans that you can follow easier than one from a book. There are a lot of free stuff out there that you can use for guidelines, such as graphics full of medical recommendations for weight for age, height, gender and health. And instead of setting a goal of long-term weight loss, set weekly instead. Small successes will keep you motivated and will be healthier for you than any quick fix plan that can tempt along the way.

For safe to continue on a weekly basis plan of nice meals and especially if you've dieted before and not, is to choose healthy foods from the list of groups balanced foods that should be included in the daily diet of all. Use foods that are low in fat and calories, but rich in nutrients and protein, so that their health is kept in balance at all times. Make the meals as tasty as possible, within reason, because when you eat foods you enjoy, you are more likely to stick to the plan.

 Time To Get Technical

It is always important to shop with a list, and an easy and quick way to do this is to use the computer. On the computer, you can write your weight loss goal during the week, followed by your meal plan. Then you can use this to generate a shopping list for the week, concentrating on fresh foods as much as possible. If you lead a busy lifestyle, you can prepare as many of these foods as you can before time so that you can freeze until needed.

By using the computer regularly while dieting, you also have access to free bits of inspiration that can be found on the Internet. Since browse coupons to use in the market, meal plans and generated recipes, there are plenty of sites out there that can give you tips on what to prepare, how to shop, and the amount of food calories they are not always easy to identify.

 No weight loss program is complete without an exercise

The creation of meal plans is only one step on the path to healthy weight loss. As limit the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, your body produces less insulin. Insulin carbohydrates are broken down to create glucose in the blood, which is essential to maintaining daily energy levels. Without carbohydrates flowing through your system, the body then it will start eating up the stored fat cells to create that energy.

The key to all this is to prevent your body to use fat cells, and turning to muscle tissue to burn for energy. Exercise can help speed up your metabolism, allowing you to burn calories for energy. Eating well will help to moderate the metabolism changes, and help you continue burning calories long after you stop exercising during the day. With the meal plan right weight loss and exercise, you will be amazed at how quickly you will lose weight, and how easy it will be to stick to it until the end.

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