
Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Diet food list

The 14 foods you should eat if you want to lose weight

If we lose weight we must prioritize food intake to help us in our goal, and there are some that should never miss

All the calories are the same? It seems a simple question, but the answer varies greatly among scientists. Until recently, most nutritionists thought yes, that all calories were the same and, since fats are the type of nutrient that contributes more energy, is that we should first reduce if we want to lose weight.

Broadly speaking, this is the hypothesis of energy balance -in short, we are fat because we eat more than quemamos-, which has been the only way to explain obesity for decades. But, as nutritionists like Jose Maria Ordovás and other scientists, as the discloser Gary Taubes, is a limited and misconception.

The same view is Kris Gunnars, responsible for the website Nutrition Authority, which seeks to collect nutritional advice based solely on scientific evidence. In his opinion, "the different foods go through different metabolic processes in the body, and have very different effects on hunger, hormones and how many calories we burn."

The expert is contrary to the mantra of some nutritionists to ensure that there are no good or bad foods. In his opinion, if any, and if we lose weight we must prioritize food intake to help us in our goal. Are these.

1. Eggs
Eggs, if we want to lose weight, better to take boiled eggs. If we want to lose weight, better to take boiled or scrambled.

Eggs, like fat, are living a second youth, thanks to new studies confirming that neither contribute to high cholesterol levels (as some people still believe) or increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

But also as ensures Gunnars, eggs are a perfect food if you want to lose weight, because they are rich in protein and healthy fats, allowing us to be satisfied with a relatively low calorie intake.

2. Leafy greens
Thylakoids are present in the cells of spinach leaves. (Corbis) The thylakoids are present in the cells of spinach leaves. (Corbis)

Green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, spinach or chard, have several properties that make them an essential food in any diet. They are low in calories and carbohydrates, but rich in fiber, and are perfect as a side dish to increase the volume of our meals without increasing their caloric intake.

3. Salmon

Salmon is one of those foods that always appears on such lists of healthy foods. And it's no wonder. This type of fatty fish (must also appoint trout, mackerel, sardines and herring) are very rich in healthy fats and protein and other necessary nutrients like iodine. Like the eggs meet the magic combination ideal for weight loss: fill a lot, but little fat.

4. Cruciferous vegetables
Broccoli. (Wikicommons) Broccoli. (Wikicommons)

Vegetables from the cruciferous family, like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage or brussels sprouts, are high in fiber, but unlike lettuce, are very satisfying because they also have enough protein. If we bother a bit, we learn to cook differently to take them as a main dish and not just accompaniment.

5. Chicken and lean beef
The cuts of meat with less fat are perfect for weight loss. The cuts of meat with less fat are perfect for weight loss.

In the opinion of Gunnars meat it has been unfairly demonized when, in fact, lower-fat cuts are ideal for weight loss. Apart from the processed meats (such as sausage or sausage), chicken and beef are needed in every diet, as are those who really make you not go hungry.

Various studies show that increased protein intake around 25% can reduce our cravings by 60%, thus preventing piquemos between.

6. Boiled potato
The mashed potatoes have more sugar than some potatoes cooked to the poor. (IStock) The mashed potatoes have more sugar than some potatoes cooked to the poor. (IStock)

Although the potato is not common in the diets, in the opinion of Gunnars it has several properties that we should consider. To begin with, this is a very complete food, with a variety of nutrients, virtually all we need to live. But also they fill a lot. In the ranking of satiating foods, potatoes occupy the first position, quite different. Yes, we must take boiled, never fried, as in this case greatly increases their calorie content.

7. Tuna
Tuna tartare rojoTartar bluefin tuna

Low in calories, high in protein and low fat. In tuna it is perfect for a diet. Also the tin, but in this case it is preferable to opt for the "natural" variety, not "oil".

8. Legumes

Legumes are rich in vegetable protein and fiber, which fills a lot and little fat. The healthiest are lentils and beans (rich in fiber), although there is no why to avoid the chickpeas. The problem of legumes is that in Spain we tend to cook with a lot of fat. Yes, you can lose weight by taking lentils with chorizo, but not so much a bean stew and in any case, if we learn to cook only with vegetables (and are very rich) achieve squaring the circle.

9. Soups
A recommendable to feel satiated without consuming too many calories dish. (Corbis) A recommended to feel satiated without consuming too many calories dish. (Corbis)

The more we fill a food in proportion to their best caloric intake is to lose weight. And all Slimline is water. So if we add water to our food, we fill more while consuming the same calories and eat less during the rest of day. At least that's what some studies have shown.

10. Cottage cheese and yogurt
Yogurt, if not better skimming. (Corbis) Yogurt, better if it is not skimming. (Corbis)

For a long time, people who wanted to lose weight were advised to reduce intake of dairy products, given their high fat content. But regardless of that fat is not so bad, not all dairy are equal. One of the best is the curd that has lots of protein and few carbohydrates and fats. Again, this is a very satisfying and little fattening food.

But we can not do disgusts to conventional yogurt that is, although rich in fat, so full that you can replace any dish that, in the end, would give us a lot more calories. Of course, we must avoid varieties of flavors, which always have enough sugar.

11. Avocado

There is no doubt that the avocado fruit is fashionable, and it is no wonder, because it is very special. While most fruits are rich in carbohydrates, avocados are noted for their high content of healthy fats, the same type as the olive oil. Yes, they are also one of the fruits more calories, but given its huge satiating power, it is one of the most recommended slimming food.

12. Nuts
Cashew is one of the most famous nuts. (CC / Femto) Cashew is one of the most famous nuts. (CC / Femto)

Although they have many calories, nuts are the perfect snack because they contain protein, fiber and healthy fats. Several epidemiological studies have shown that people who consume these are healthier and thinner than those who do not. Now, it is a food that should be consumed with great moderation. A handful, perfect; half kilo bag, wrong. If you can not stop eating them, better remove them from the list.

13. Some cereals

Gunnars believes that although "cereals have earned a bad reputation in recent years, there are some types that are healthy". Here are some gluten-free grains and whole grain that besides being rich in fiber, have enough protein. The best ones are oats, brown rice and quinoa. In any case, the expert recommends to be careful: "Keep in mind that refined grains are the worst and some foods that are touted as whole grain are highly processed and harmful garbage".

14. Fruit
Grapefruit is a hybrid fruit that is grown in subtropical climates. (Corbis) Grapefruit is a hybrid fruit that is grown in subtropical climates. (Corbis)

Although it contains sugar, fruit is essential in a diet, because it meets the perfect role for dessert (for people who are unable to not finish the meal with something sweet in the mouth) and its ratio / satiety is perfect. Numerous epidemiological studies also find that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables is healthier than eating few. Something that, at this point, it should be no surprise.

Food List for Ketogenic Diet

Beginners in this type of food, if they have knowledge of nutrition and dietetics (and some even have them) will need to first understand the metabolic processes and physiology in which this type of feeding is based, and later learn that food should prevail when shopping, cooking and eating.

Cetogenica food list

    I hate to say diet (even a diet) because
    DIET is: Everything you eat !!

Make no mistake:

    It is not a high protein diet is high protein moderate in fat and low in carbohydrates
    It is not a diet without carbohydrates, that would be stupid as little
    Do not confuse the weight of a food with the amount of protein or carbohydrate containing

For whom is indicated?

    Athletes and athletes once they understand that the human body has various fuels and as our ability to store sugar (glycogen) is limited to approximately 2000kcal fatty acids can accumulate up 49.000kcal. If the latter is your fuel will not need to recharge calories during a marathon.
    Diabetes all kinds
    Polycystic ovary syndrome
    Pregnancy, menopause
    Autism, epilepsy
    Digestive problems

'Actually this type of diet may be suitable for any person throughout his life. There are different ways to apply because of the big three macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) can vary carbohydrates that are not essential and adapt its quantity to the different stages of our life.
- Whoever set a little you will see that what is eliminated from the diet are sugars and oils high in omega 6
- No calorie restriction because a calorie is a calorie ever

What are we going to get?

Lose weight without being hungry, control cravings often are due to lack of nutrients
Improve the level of glucose, lower insulin levels
Improve athletic performance
Have more energy, feel more focused, sleep mejor..etc

I'm not very fond of food lists because sometimes what makes it convenient or not a food is in the form of processed and cooked, since they alter their properties, glycemic, nutritional and can convert a raw material of the highest quality in a shapeless mass of anti-nutritional substances. An example would scorch up charring a juicy beef tenderloin.

Understood this list of foods based on the amount of carbohydrates they contain would be ....

cetogenica not count

Group foods that we can eat without worrying about its content in carbohydrates:

Animal protein:

    fresh and cured (streaky, jamón..etc) Meat, poultry, game, eggs, offal (liver, kidneys) bone marrow, meats (salami, chorizo) fish and seafood (better the smaller they accumulate fewer mercury )

healthy fats:

    Coconut oil, avocado, ghee, butter, lard (pork and beef) and other animal fats such as duck fat
    Virgin olive oil or extra virgin hot but not more than 160 ° C
    Sauces such as mayonnaise made with oil than seed (no sunflower oil or corn)

Seeds and Nuts:

    Almonds, walnuts, pecans and especially macadamia are those that contain more fat.
    Linseed (once crushed keep in cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight)
    Pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.


    Cauliflower, broccoli, not sweet pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, tomato, asparagus, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, celery, cabbage, peppers, onions, chives, leeks, olives, radishes, mushrooms and mushrooms, sauerkraut
    All green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, chard, lettuce, etc.) and if I forget any, any vegetable that is not buried (ie, other than a tuber)


    Stevia, xylitol, erythritol and tagatose

Dairy products (for who can or want to take them):

    Greek and / or natural yogurts (note that does not have lactose added)
    Cottage cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, hard cheeses and cheese not so hard

Spices and condiments:

    All, just notice that among its ingredients no sugars, oils / fats vegetables and starches

Remember: This diet is moderate in protein, if you are eating lean meats like rabbit, turkey or chicken breast adds fat than those listed above.
A trick to know the amount of lean protein that is a good measure is in the palm of your hand.
The size and thickness of lean protein should be about the palm of your hand.

    You have to eat when you're hungry, without schedules and stop eating when you are satisfied / a, this diet is not a carte blanche to eat lots of it at all times. Respect your appetite.

Food group containing between 6 and 25 grams of carbohydrates per quantity:

No need to obsess measure or weigh food, so the amounts specified herein are approximate without going into varieties or types. And remember that according to the physical activity performed or the metabolic state in which we find (diabetes, embarazo..etc) the amount of carbohydrates that we consume is variable between 25g, 50g or 100g without ceasing to be in ketosis. Foods are considered cool unless say otherwise. It indicates the amount between 23 to 25 grams of approximately carbohydrates


    Blueberries approximately 220 grams
    avocados 3
    200g sweet pumpkin
    Cherries 150 grams
    prunes 4
    250g raspberries
    Strawberries 25 units
    Granada ½
    Currants 225 grams
    guavas 2
    Figs 3 small
    Nopal 4
    kiwi 3
    Lychees from 18 to 20 units
    Clementine mandarins type 3
    Mango 165g
    Apple: one thirty
    quinces 2
    peaches 2
    about half a kilo Moras
    oranges 2
    nectarines 2
    papaya 1
    Pears (Bartlett) 1
    165g sliced ​​pineapple
    1 small banana
    watermelon 300g
    100g grapes


    6 tablespoons raw cashews
    Raw and peeled chestnuts 60g

Tubers and fruits

    potato 125g
    Carrots 5 Units

What we do not eat?

This will be the longest list could be as long as enumerating all food / beverage processed, industrial and / or refined.
All foods that have a high glycemic load
All light products, protein bars, all foods containing soy,
All products with added sugars ... etc.

Anyway, I hope this will help you make better decisions

The best foods to lose weight without dieting

Good news: there are not only vegetables and fruits in our list

When we diet food become our worst enemy, and yet, when this ends, we give many binges everything that was forbidden before the end turn to catch the kilos we had lost. That's why for many people dieting is not the best option. If you want to lose weight and achieve your ideal weight, it is best to learn to eat to compensate excesses and to know which foods are more calorie and should be consumed in moderation.

Therefore, we have made a list of some essential foods that will help you lose weight naturally without dieting. And yes, there are fruits and vegetables, but also other foods that will surprise you ... Follow these tips for a healthier lifestyle, eat foods that we offer and see how the notes.

25 tips that will motivate you to get the body of your dreams iStock

25 tips that will motivate you to get the body of your dreams Constancia and effort: the key to your success! Come, train, sleep ... and begin! The best machine for your body sport is All for one! A companion make your exercise more bearable Reward yourself when training and feel better Love Green! Fruits and vegetables are your new friends Expand Your Horizons: increasingly run away if you want, you can: take care starts today Not only will you see better, you also feel better!

1. Fruit

Would you like a drink in the afternoon or mid-morning? Choose a good piece of fruit! Even bananas, which generally are not very well seen by people who diet have an energy level below 1 kcal / g and therefore are very suitable for weight loss.

Particularly low in calories are berries, peaches and apples. However, with avocados you should be careful. It is the only fruit, along with olives, with fats and thus have more calories. Nuts also should take in moderation. They contain a lot of sugar, ie, calories ... Here you have a few ideas that do should include in your day.

2. Eggs

The egg is a food rich in vitamin B12, which controls metabolism and protein. It also helps burn fat from your body, especially in the abdomen, and nourishes your muscles. Therefore, you should not hesitate to include it in your daily life. eye! The fried egg is worth as it is prepared with lots of oil. Try taking egg whites, boiled egg served with vegetables or omelets. You'd satisfied!
3. Vegetables

If there is a food group that can eat without hesitation during a diet, that is the vegetable. All kinds of vegetables have very few calories and, in turn, are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Restructure your meals and eat some vegetables to satiate. If the vegetables were just for you, along with the potatoes, the lining of a good piece of meat, from now doubles the amount and save on meat and potatoes. After lunch you will be equally satisfied, but you will have significantly reduced the amount of calories.

4. Chicken or turkey

Chicken or turkey are a good choice if you like to eat a piece of meat occasionally but want to take care of the figure. Both poultry meat is low in fat, if you remove the skin and kitchens in a nonstick pan with a little oil. Another alternative for them with little oil is grilled. You can do it at home with a small electric grill!

Duck and goose should only be consumed in small quantities and not very often. They contain much more fat than chicken or turkey.
5. Potatoes

Potatoes, like pasta, have a bad reputation for fattening. But that's not true. 100 grams contain only 70 calories and, instead, have many nutrients and easily satiated.

As many minerals are directly under the skin, most often prepared unpeeled potatoes. Roasted cream cheese with herbs are delicious, and like both children and adults. And with few calories!
6. Natural Yogurt

Natural yogurt is a perfect food for a diet because it contains a lot of calcium and protein but low in calories. In addition, you can enjoy it in different ways. Alone, or adding a little honey or jam. Fresh fruit yogurt also accompanies great. And with some herbs and spices it becomes a rich dipping sauce for bread or potatoes.

7. Lean fish

Many species of fish are best to eat when you're dieting because they have fewer calories. The only exceptions are fatty marine fish such as eel, herring, salmon, mackerel and tuna.

Breaded fish is very rich, but the bread sucks almost all the oil from the pan. It is better, and has fewer calories if you fry of "natural" low-fat, or fry it and then gets to broil in the oven with herbs and a little Parmesan cheese.
8. Tofu

Do not you want any meat? Try a dish with tofu! This Asian specialty soy is low in fat and calories and very versatile food. As best known is marinated in soy sauce, curry and cayenne pepper, and roast. Add Asian vegetables with rice and you have a delicious dish low in fat. To put in salads are looking tofu with almonds or basil.
9. Salads

"If you want to lose weight, eat before eating a salad." It is a very typical diet advice. But also it is true! Lettuce itself contains very few calories, no fat and fills your stomach if you take it as a starter.

Pay attention to dressing. High-fat sauces make any salad into a calorie bomb. dressings are much better with a base of yogurt or just with a little oil and vinegar. If you choose the famous caesar salads with cheese or sauce, try to eat as little as possible of those ingredients! The best option certainly is mixed salad from the garden or arugula.

10. Asparagus

If you want to lose weight, a highly recommended food is asparagus. This product is a good natural diuretic which has large properties: enhances metabolism and helps fight colon irritable. It is also a food "negative" calories because they burn to digest over which provides the body. Therefore, the asparagus are a good option for weight loss and it is advisable to take them at dinner.
Extra trick: the blessed water

Drink, drink and drink some more, but what is the best option? Ideally, not only during a diet, it is to take calorie-free as water or unsweetened tea drinks. Try to drink at least two liters of water a day.

By the way, the old trick of drinking a glass of water before eating to fill your stomach ... it really works!

Food List Of The Ketogenic Diet

Know what foods are best for the ketogenic diet.

Whether you decide to do the ketogenic diet, but do not know to eat ?. Start this diet is difficult and even more if you know not eat, but congratulations on your decision to follow the ketogenic diet and help spread it, you will soon feel the best way (usually 3 weeks after starting it because your body detoxify from chemicals in processed foods).

Use our calculator ketogenic diet to know how many grams a day squatter macronutrients.

If you want to concoct the complete guide to how it works ketogenic diet click here.

See also:

    ketogenic diet menu
    ketogenic diet benefits
    FAQ ketogenic diet

Fats and oils

This will be most of your food intake so much importance tomale. Fat is very important for your body, but also very dangerous if you eat the wrong fat.

Preferred are saturated and monounsaturated fats like butter, macadamia nuts, aguaca, eggs and coconut oil fats.

Avoid hydrogenated fats, such as margarine to minimize your intake of trans fats in your diet (it is associated with coronary heart disease).


Be careful with nuts because it contains high amounts of omega-6 (which is highly inflammatory).

    Olive oil
    Coconut oil
    Macadamia oil
    Red palm oil
    Chicken Fat
    Fat Duck
    Macadamia nuts
    Mayonnaise (beware that has carbohydrates added, looking sugar-free version)
    Peanut Butter (peanut butter), do not use those added carbohydrates, limit your intake because it contains omega-6
    Meat Sebo

Protein sources

Fattier meat is preferred because it contains more fat than protein.

    Fish: Preferably: salmon, tuna, tilapia, mahi-mahi, squid, cod, sardines.
    Seafood: Crab, clam, squid, mussels, oysters, shrimp, lobster. (Avoid imitation crabmeat)
    Eggs: You can prepare in any way
    Meat: cow, calf, duck, etc.
    Pork: be careful with the quality of pork, as many offspring in Mexico are not well fed and filled with parasites.
    Poultry: chicken, duck, turkey.
    Sausages and bacon: Be careful who you add sugar (which is the majority, if they sell at Costco have sugar added, to eat more).
    Protein Shakes

Fresh vegetables:

Most non-starchy vegetables have low carbs. Eat organic vegetables to avoid effects of pesticides and other chemicals. Limit your intake of carrots, tomatoes, peppers, squash. Avoid potatoes, peas and corn because they contain lots of carbohydrates.


    Alfalfa sprouts
    Bamboo shoots
    Bean sprouts
    Water chestnuts
    Onions (not much, as they have more sugar)
    Brussels sprouts
    Any green leafy vegetable
    Snow peas
    Lettuces and salad greens
    Celery root
    Green beets
    Dill Pickles

For a complete list of low carb vegatales to reach ketosis click here.
Dairy products:


preferably organic dairy products.

    sour cream (Check the labels to avoid carbohydrate additives)
    Milk cream
    Cottage cheese
    cream cheese (counts each serving of cheese 1 oz as 1 carbohydrate in general)
    Whole milk yogurt without sugar (limiting their intake because it is slightly higher in carbohydrates)
    All hard and soft cheeses: (counts each serving of cheese 1 oz as 1 carbohydrate in general)

Nuts and seeds:

    You can eat walnuts, almonds and macadamia nuts because they are the lowest level of carbohydrates. But do not overdo because they contain high levels of omega-6.


Green Tea

    Green tea without caffeine and sugar


Basil, Black pepper, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, cloves, dill, ginger, mint, mustard seeds, oregano, parsley, pepper, rosemary, sage, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, thyme, and turmeric.
Foods that look good that you should avoid:

    Fruit: Most fruits are not listed by the high sugar content (is sweet nature).
    based tomato products like tomato sauce, catsupt, etc.
    Diet soda: If you could take it, but will increase your hunger and decreases the possibility of following the diet.

Recommended books recipes:

Metabolic kitchen (click here): (is an affiliate link if you buy the eBook the site receives a commission). They are very simple and delicious recipes to lose weight and follow the ketogenic diet, just avoid foods that are not on the list.

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