
Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Calories carrot

According to the Society Food USA a crude as it is in its original state and more natural carrot contains 41 calories per 100 grams of this food. However, when we cook carrot is get twice the calorie content, ie of the 41 that would, carrot would have 82 calories. This portion is about one cup of standard with said vegetable slices.

Among the benefits they are the carrot has anti-inflammatory properties. For athletes or mothers, eating carrots is one of the most easy and natural ways to deal with the pain of the body after long and tiring days. On the other hand, add carrot during meals helps greatly improve digestion and is also an excellent source of fiber that will assist you if you have those annoying trouble going to the bathroom.

Calories carrot
Much has been said lately about natural foods that help prevent cancer, but few of these have been so extensive analysis and deep examination as had the carrot. Thanks to these studies has been shown to effectively help not only prevent cancer but to fight the same reducing this disease by up to 10%. This is due to the presence of vitamin C and vitamin A (beta carotene), which work directly in the production of white blood cells that fight cancer cells. At the same time this combination is ideal for also assist those with weak eyesight.

Raw or cooked carrots is one of the most delicious natural foods that can give us the land, alone or as a companion prepared for other dishes.

So do not think more and begin to consider integrating carrot to our daily diet.

Vitamin A, vitamin C, betacarotene, WBCs, diet, fiber, cooked, raw, cancer, inflammatory, calories, pain
Carrots are well known to all plants and their medicinal properties can be exploited in various ways, either raw, cooked, juices or smoothies.

They are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, natural antioxidants and very low in fat; which makes these vegetables in special foods to treat various health problems.

With paintings and historical documents, carrots are known to exist since at least 5000 years ago. And they were not always considered a food. Initially, carrots were grown for medicinal purposes and used to treat various diseases.

Carrots are a gold mine in nutrients and is a vegetable that should be consumed daily, and can help a lot in health. Carrots contain an amazing amount of 490 phytochemicals, which all help the body function better. Phytochemicals are natural bioactive substances from plants found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts, which provide benefits to human health.

The carrot is also rich in beta-carotene and provides remarkable dose of minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and other vitamins, such as B, C, D, E and folic acid.

Within its nutritional values, it stresses that a medium carrot has 25 calories, 6 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of fiber. In addition, it is a good source of vitamin A.

It contains phytosterols, natural substances that block the absorption of cholesterol and help purify the blood.
Carrot consumption can be very important to treat night blindness and photophobia.
It is ideal for preparing homemade masks, as the mask for skin blemishes plant.
Promotes the formation of red blood cells by their content of iron and copper, thereby preventing anemia, arteriosclerosis and impaired defenses.
The carrot is a great ally and the view, helps prevent cataracts and macular degeneration and maintain visual acuity.
Carrots are great allies of weight loss diets because it is a food with very low calories, high in fiber and little or no fat. Also they provide satiety and hunger removed.
Carrots are high in soluble fiber so they are very good to combat constipation and reduce cholesterol.
Beta-carotene contained in carrot have anti-tumor properties, and prevents the occurrence of certain cancers, such as bladder, larynx, esophagus and stomach.
Regulate digestive disorders such as diarrhea and constipation.
Its ability to nourish the skin and absorb impurities make it ideal to prevent acne by applying it grated pulp or juice.
Grade has antioxidant properties that protect the body from attack by free radicals and premature aging.
Finally, remember that regular consumption of carrots helps keep your heart healthy because it keeps the arteries free of plaque that impede the normal flow of blood.

In addition to these medicinal uses of carrots, there are other lesser known as xample a natural remedy antiparasitic, thanks to its high content of fiber, which helps cleanse the intestinal parasites, toxins and waste that may harm health.
This outstanding plant is not only profitable the root, but the leaves, flowers and seeds that provide great services to medicine also takes advantage. The crushed leaves are used as diaphoretic and violate them, ie that are appropriate to heal wounds. Applied with honey on the wounds the perfectly clean.
As poultices, the leaves are great to cure herpes, burns, inflammations flemosas fingers, erysipelas, inflamed tumors, etc.
Below is a list of some of the most powerful benefits of taking carrot juice:

It helps cleanse the liver.
Cure minor injuries.
It stabilizes blood sugar, helping to eliminate the risk of diabetes.
Boosts the immune system.
Fight against bronchitis.
Infection control keeping the membranes of healthy cells.
It maintains and improves the structure of bones and teeth.
Improves muscle, flesh and skin health.
Enhances the quality of breast milk.
A pint of carrot juice per day has more constructive value and advantages that 25 pounds of calcium tablets taken together.
When selecting carrots, it is suggested to choose the strongest and most intense color, and discard those that are cracked or stained.
They can be kept fresh for up to two weeks. The key is to place them in a bag in the coldest part of the refrigerator to prevent loss of moisture.
Raw or cooked (boiled, fried or steamed), carrots can be used in the preparation of salads, soups, stews, cakes and juices.
Department of Education for Life: The following information is a farmer who grows and packs carrots for IGA, METRO, Loblaws, etc. - Luis Daniel Vega


Small carrots cocktail (BABY) sold in small plastic bags are made with twisted carrots or deformed larger than passed through a machine that cuts them and gives them the ways of cocktail carrots - (most people probably do not know this).

What do they know and need to know is this:

Once the carrots are cut and shaped into cocktail carrots; immersed in a solution of water and chlorine in order to preserve them (this is the same chlorine used in swimming pools).

Since they do not have their natural protective skin or cover, give them a higher dose of chlorine.

You will notice that once you have these carrots in the refrigerator for a few days, a white cover forms on them. This is chlorine reappearing.

At what cost we put our health at risk to have aesthetically pleasing vegetables?

Chlorine is a known carcinogen that causes cancer.

Pass as many people as possible in the hope of informing how come these carrots and how they are processed.

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