
Jumat, 11 Maret 2016

Healthy foods for weight control

There is no strong evidence to support that skipping dinner would be a useful strategy for weight loss

A familiar refrain invited to breakfast like kings, princes and dine eat like beggars. But it is not the only proposed that convert into something frugal dinner and symbolic, so it should not be surprising that many people consider essential dine lightly. Among the motivations it is to prevent obesity, as is addressed in this article, which aims to answer this question: does it make sense to skip dinner if you want to control the evolution of long-term weight?
Sayings are not scientific evidence

Hundreds of them talk about food. It is logical, because most people (not all, unfortunately) eat daily and on more than one occasion. Among the popular sayings that refer to dinners, all seem to advise dinner unanimously that much is dangerous, as can be seen by reviewing the six known examples:

    1. Eat little and dinner more recently, the health of the whole body is forged in the office of the stomach.
    2. Over dinner that killed Avicenna healed.
    3. For many dinner, never good night.
    4. Matan more dinners wars.
    5. If roast lamb had dinner, do not ask what she died.
    6. Dinner little, eat more, sleep and live high.

It is not the purpose of this paper to analyze the veracity of these sayings to confirm or otherwise refute them (in which case it would be necessary to go to "refranera People, mendacious people"), but check if dinner is a strategy to be consider in controlling weight. This approach is not mentioned in the said cited, and there seems to be collected anywhere else, although it is a very present thought in the minds of many people.

it is also copiously breakfast ( "breakfast like a king ...") prevent obesity, which was detailed in January 2016 in the article 'breakfast is important to control body weight?'. In the same included the following reflection: "Trust our health and our weight in a single meal of the day in this case, breakfast- tantamount to putting all the chips on a single number roulette: the chances of success are minimal and there is no guarantee that the bet out well for us. " In the explained there must be added which has shown recent research focused on the role of dinner at the risk of obesity, as extended in the following section.
Dinner, fat?

Eating before bedtime contributes to weight gain is a belief promoted on many websites and not a few popular books supply, ensuring that the "night calories" are fattening more than "day". If the advice comes from a "fad diet" is even more acute skepticism, as recommended by Professor Walter Willett, nutrition expert at Harvard University (USA).

In any case, to solve this "enigma" is essential to quote Dr. Krista Casazza, a researcher at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA), which has just coordinate a study entitled 'Weighing scientific evidence of the common beliefs in the field of Obesity Research '(Weighing the Evidence of Common Beliefs in Obesity Research). His work, collected in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, reviewed many issues related to obesity and subjected to rigorous scientific analysis.

After analyzing the available research, Casazza and his colleagues conclude that there is no scientific evidence to support or refute the idea that the calories consumed at dinner time promote obesity. In its analysis an obvious conclusion: the excess calories is risky if the objective is to control body weight, but that risk does not appear to be different depending on the time of day that those calories are taken.

That is, if many foods are selected high-calorie nutritional density but low overnight, it will store the excess as fat, but the effect will occur similarly if such foods are chosen during the day. Thus, if no dinner has been healthy at 21:00 way, nothing will happen if the dinner at 23:00 hours is taken. Delves into this issue Dr. Jacquelyn Rudis in his article 'Truth or lie? You eat at night will make you gain weight. "
Weight Control: easy to explain, difficult to implement

Prevent weight gain in the long term is so easy to explain, yet so difficult to implement, and achieve balance between calories consumed with being spent. On this sensitive issue and deepened in the article 'Calories count'.

One should not forget, finally, that the power not only affects body weight, but significantly influences the risk of many chronic diseases. Therefore, rather than worry about food calories or body fat, it is worth focusing efforts to pursue long-term, some good dietary habits.

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