
Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

Weight loss tips and tricks

Is it possible to lose weight in a week? How and how many kilos can lose in a week?
Weight loss tips and tricks
Slimming requires a lot of sweat and discipline, it is possible that you are one of those people who has a hard time playing sports or take care of their nutritional habits, if so, you should know that there are other simple ways you can lose weight progressively.
As for how much you can lose kilos a week, it is advisable would be around 0.5 to 1 kilo a week, that amount can get lost in the course of the week.

If you're going to start changing your habits, eating better to exercise, you can exceed that amount in the first weeks, but the following would be the logical thing you to move in that amount, 0.5 to 1 kilo.
Using these 10 little tricks on a daily basis, you get to lose weight without dieting or sport.
Come up with 10 tips for weight loss that will help you achieve your goal in a healthy way.
Weight loss tips and tricks 10 tips to lose weight in a week
1. Drink before each meal with a glass of water: It consists of drinking a glass of water before each meal, this way, you will feel more hydrated and more satisfied, which will help keep you from eating too much.
It is proven by studies, that people who apply this trick able to reduce 400 calories each day, certainly a great help to achieve your goal.
2. Move to the stevia: The whip in foods and beverages is one of the great responsible for many diet plans fail.
If you need to sweeten your foods you use stevia is a sweetener without calories, so you will be lowering the calories you eat in the day, one of the keys to weight loss
3. Head over to black chocolate: Much of the world's women need sweets daily, pamper themselves with which to put your endorphins through the roof, many use the chocolate fad right now, if your case uses the black chocolate, you have better nutrients to strengthen your health, such as antioxidants and get fewer calories.
4. Control with rations: If you want to lose weight, watch the portions you wear at every meal.

Measured quantities, use smaller plates to eat the entire amount not usually carry a large dish, a cultural issue are used to stake everything we put on the plate, so if this is smaller will be reducing calories.
5. Move more: Even if you are a lot of sports, if you can choose to move a little exercise platforms vibratory burn few extra calories.
Take breaks at work to walk around the office, opt for climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator, leaving the car every day a little farther from work to walk again, with these simple changes, you'll burn extra calories.
6. Do not drink calories: Many people fail to lose weight because the calories of their important drink It be aware that not only we take calories from what we eat, what we drink also.
Head over to the water, you can add flavor with a bit of cucumber, lemon or mint, in order to save calories.
7. Avoid starving: To lose weight do not spend famine, indeed, it is impossible to achieve our objective if we are hungry for life.
Eat 5 meals a day, every three hours, for example, thereby avoid low blood sugar, which eventually would be fatal to your goal to lose weight.
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8. Eat food high in protein and fiber: These foods will be perfect to achieve your goal because you will feel more satiated throughout the day, so avoid eating protein you need calories extras.
It is proven by studies that a diet rich in protein and fiber help you lose more weight. It is key to start the day with a breakfast high in protein, thereby feel more satiety the day.
If you need help with eating, healthy diet shakes can help you, I'll explain why.
9 No afternoons options: Your dinner to have a maximum of 25% of calories a day, and you must do about 2 or 3 hours before bedtime.
Eating too much can cause you problems with digestion, a bad break and accumulate the extra calories as fat because it not burn before falling asleep.
Related: 12 Weight Loss Pills That Work
sleep and weight control
 10 Sleep more: Lack of sleep causes us to eat more during the day and do not have energy to do sports or move, you should try at least to sleep about 7 hours a day, if you can best, this will be perfect for you physical target.
Can you think of for tricks to lose weight fast and healthy?

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