The benefits of a vegetarian diet are many, although it also has great detractors. It is best that you yourself form an opinion, to do so, read on.
Before going on I have to tell you that I have read some shocking news: Many American doctors are warning that over 50% of deaths that occur in the US are directly linked to eating habits.
Likewise many studies based on nutrition confirm that a vegetarian diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and soybeans contributes directly to the longevity of people, and allows a healthier and more enjoyable life.
These findings mean that, increasingly, increasing numbers of vegetarians around the world. I have talked to many of them and some advocates vegetarian diet nutritionists and have given me their reasons:
Benefits of a vegetarian diet
1 . He lives much longer.
Vegetarians live about seven years longer on average and vegans (who eat no animal product) setting about 15 years compared to people who eat meat, according to a study by the University of Loma Linda.
benefits of a vegetarian diet
These results are supported by the China Health Project (which has conducted the largest study of diet and health to date).
This project related, based on the study of its population, the Chinese people consuming less fat and animal products have a lower cancer and suffering a heart attack risk, as well as other chronic diseases degenerative diseases.
2. It has a lot less cholesterol
The average American citizen (and Europe is not far away) makes a meat-based and has a 50% chance of dying from heart disease diet. However this risk is reduced to 15% if the meat is removed and low 4% more if dairy products and eggs are eaten.
Likewise if you eat fruits and vegetables your heart and arteries are more protected because both are full of antioxidant nutrients. In addition they contain no saturated fat or cholesterol.
Cholesterol levels of vegetarians are 14% lower than meat eaters.
Increasing intake of carbohydrates, fiber, and good fats fats polyunsaturated- fighting the cholesterol- make the risks of cardiovascular disease diminish significantly.
3. Benefits of Vegetarian Diet: The risk of cancer is reduced.
A study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that red meat is strongly associated with breast cancer.
The National Cancer Institute says that women who eat meat every day are nearly four times more likely to get breast cancer .. On the other hand, women who consumed at least one serving of vegetables a day reduces the risk of cancer breast 20% - 30%.
Studies have also found that a diet based on vegetables helps protect against prostate, colon and skin.
The benefits of a vegetarian diet include prevention of cardiovascular disease, obesity and type II diabetes among others, in addition to those already mentioned.
healthy-looking girl: benefits of a vegetarian diet
4. A great benefit of the vegetarian diet: helps you stay on your weight
Vegetarian food has exceptions, fewer calories than traditional dishes like stews, burgers, etc.
Another benefit of the vegetarian diet is that it helps us to maintain the ideal, or "normal weight" weight. These findings come from the WHO (the international organization of health) who speaks of the influence of such diets on health, but also said it was not entirely conclusive, as they influence other factors such as the type of life that it takes the environment in which one lives, the sport is performed, etc.
5. The planet is also healthier.
Finally opting for a vegetarian diet will be doing a great favor to the planet, to help preserve natural resources and lead to a reduction in pollution from the exploitation of the animal industry.
The nutritional basis of a vegetarian diet are:
predominant consumption of vegetables, fruits and foods of plant origin.
Enormous variety among this group of foods for daily menus.
Choosing foods low in fat and few sweeteners, such as the option of fructose as a natural sweetener in front of others.
Add an extra source of vitamin B12.
If consuming animal foods, vegetarian diet limits dairy and eggs in moderation.
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