
Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Watermelon in pregnancy

Can I eat watermelon during pregnancy?

Naturally. Watermelon is 95% water, so, besides being very refreshing, is a fruit without any contraindication in pregnancy. In addition Watermelon is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that, besides giving its characteristic red color to watermelon, helps protect the fatty areas of the brain, heart and childbirth.

Watermelon is also rich in citrulline, a useful cell division that helps heal wounds with amino acid and potassium, it helps to normalize blood pressure.

Finally its high water content, along with natural sugars and potassium, help you hydrate at a time when you need it much.

Vitamin C and lycopene help protect the heart, which is important because the heart of a pregnant woman must work 25% more than usual.

Watermelon postpartum

The beneficial properties of watermelon are transmitted to the baby through breast milk, so it is a particularly beneficial fruit during the postpartum and lactation. Eating fruits and vegetables varied guarantees a wide spectrum of antioxidants both the mother and the infant, which reduces the risk of infectious diseases and inflammatory problems

9 benefits of eating watermelon during pregnancy


The time when the world learns she is pregnant, you are bombarded with advice all. Yes, it's irritating to hear strangers give you a list of tips but remember. One of the most common tips I hear is eat fruits regularly. There are many fruits you can and can not consume during pregnancy. Watermelon, fortunately, is one of the fruits that you can and should eat Watermelon is healthy, nutritious, refreshing and energizing as well.

Watermelon is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium. It is high in fiber and is a solution to many of the problems faced by a woman in early pregnancy. You can be creative and use this fruit in a number of ways. But be careful not to reduce its nutritional value.

Read on to understand the incredible benefits that can be derived from watermelon and side effects you may experience:


Watermelon juice can be consumed in the morning to relieve morning sickness.
Add watermelon to your salads for crunch.
While consumption of non-vegetarian food, add the watermelon as a side dish for a little sweetness.
Make watermelon smoothie (not too cold) and drink at breakfast or after dinner as a light dessert.

Watermelon During Pregnancy

There are many benefits to eating watermelon during pregnancy and few side effects as well. We list here for you.

Health benefits:

1. Helps digestion:

Watermelon is very gentle on the stomach and esophagus. Pregnant women suffer from various digestive problems such as heartburn and heartburn. Watermelon alleviates these problems and gives immediate relief.

2. Reduces swelling:

Light edema or swelling of the feet and hands is very common during pregnancy. Watermelon has a high water content. Reduces blockages in the veins and muscles and helps prevent edema.

3. Relieves morning sickness:

Watermelon consumed during morning gives a very refreshing, relaxing start during the day. It also contains nutritional and energizing properties that prevent the appearance of morning sickness. It is a good idea for a pregnant woman to start the day with a fresh glass of watermelon juice woman.

4. Prevent dehydration:

all pregnant women are advised to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Dehydration can cause premature contractions and lead to premature labor. Watermelon contains more than 90% water and eating is a good way to stay hydrated.

5. Reduces muscle cramps:

During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through many changes. Weight and additional hormones causes the muscles and bones ache. Watermelon consumption in any form, help the body better cope with these changes and relieve muscle cramps.

6. Prevents pigmentation:

Many pregnant women suffer from pigmented skin. This vexing problem can remove the joy of pregnancy. Watermelons maintain smooth bowel movements and facilitate digestion of food. This in turn affects the texture of the skin forever. Pigmentation of the skin in various parts of the body is minimized regular cleaning of the body.


7. High glucose content:

Excessive consumption of watermelons can lead to high levels of blood glucose and in turn to gestational diabetes. So avoid overeating anything, including watermelon during pregnancy.

8. It works as a cleaner:

Watermelon is good for all the internal organs of the body and keeps them in a healthy condition, but the body needs other nutrients as well. Watermelon use as a cleaner can drive even the essential nutrients the body. Therefore avoid excessive consumption of watermelon.

9. May cause gastric problem:

So avoid any form of watermelon that has remained in the open for long, as they can cause gastrointestinal problems and cause nausea and vomiting. Eating freshly cut watermelon and fresh juice.

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