
Senin, 30 Mei 2016



Thanks to its high water content and its low energy content, cauliflower is an ideal vegetable for weight control diets, we never forget the cooking method and seasoning. Since its fiber content generates a feeling of satiety and reduces appetite, a very beneficial aspect in these cases.

Purifying and diuretic

Cauliflower owes its diuretic to its high water content and potassium and low sodium intake action. The consumption of this vegetable favors the elimination of excess body fluids and is beneficial in case of hypertension, fluid retention and oliguria (low urine output). Increased urine output allows addition of liquids, eliminate waste substances dissolved therein as uric acid, urea, etc. Therefore also it suits those with hyperuricemia and gout and people with a tendency to form kidney stones.

Disorders of the thyroid gland

Cruciferous contain goitrogenic compounds responsible for its light spicy flavor and aroma. These elements have the ability to block the uptake and utilization of iodine, which so hinder the activity of the thyroid gland. These substances are produced by the action of an enzyme that is released by crushing or chewing raw cauliflower. When cooking is not given this effect. Although it is unlikely that this antithyroid substance contained in cauliflower reaches produce goiter, as a precaution it is recommended to avoid regular consumption of vegetables of the same genus (cabbage or cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts) if hypothyroidism.


Although the composition of cauliflower has many health benefits, keep in mind that for some people has undesirable effects. Fiber and abundant sulfur compounds in composition are the substances responsible for flatulence and difficulty digestion. However, the cauliflower is better than the rest of the cabbage digested, so its consumption should not necessarily be restricted in those with digestive disorders such as gastritis, ulcer or difficult digestion. Moreover, it is softer if cooked with cumin or fennel. It also helps chamomile tea with anise or mint for dessert.

Disease prevention

In general, vegetables from the cruciferous family are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, which enhances the beneficial action of the vitamin. Moreover, they are excellent source of natural antioxidants (vitamin C and sulfur compounds). Antioxidants block the damaging effects of "free radicals" called. Breathing in the presence of oxygen is essential in cellular life of our body, but following the same molecules are produced, free radicals, causing throughout life negative health effects through their ability to altering DNA (genes), proteins and lipids or fats. In our body there are cells that are renewed continuously (skin, intestine ...) and others not (liver cells ...). Over the years, free radicals increase the risk of genetic alterations that occur on the first, which favors the development of cancer, or reduces the functionality of the second characteristic of the aging process. There are situations that increase the production of free radicals, including strenuous exercise, environmental pollution, smoking, infections, stress, high fat diets and over-exposure to the sun.

Moreover, the relationship between antioxidants and cardiovascular disease prevention is today a well-founded claim. It is known that modification is called "bad cholesterol" (LDL-c) which plays a key role in both the initiation and development of atherosclerosis. Antioxidants block free radicals that modify the so-called bad cholesterol. and help reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk. Furthermore, low antioxidant levels are a risk factor for certain cancers and degenerative diseases.

In cauliflower, as in the rest of the vegetables from the same family, they have been identified in recent years a number of phytochemicals whose potential effects on the prevention of various cancers and other diseases justifies the growing interest of its consumption and cultivation, as well as fresh produce and frozen. Many of his virtues are attributed to various compounds. These include glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, indoles and fiber. An important part of such compounds are sulfur and, in addition to having antioxidant action, are responsible for the strong smell coming from this vegetable during cooking.

Pregnant women and children

For its excellent content in folate, cauliflower is a vegetable to be considered in the diet of pregnant women. Deficiency of this vitamin during the first weeks of pregnancy can cause the baby future neural tube defects, such as spina bifida or anencephaly.

Moreover, oral contraceptives reduce the availability of folate, so that women who take them should review the dietary intake of this vitamin in order to avoid possible shortages. Folate requirements are also higher in children. Therefore, the inclusion of vegetables like cauliflower in your diet is one of the ways to prevent deficiencies. Folate deficiency can lead to megaloblastic anemia. Keep in mind that folates are sensitive to heat, so when cooking this vegetable a significant amount of this nutrient is lost.

Regulates bowel function

The fiber content cauliflower gives laxative properties, so its consumption helps prevent or improve constipation. In addition, fiber exerts remarkable physiological functions. It helps reduce blood cholesterol rates and good blood glucose control in people with diabetes.

Jumat, 13 Mei 2016

Seven light dinners. health diner

Health Delgado Fuentes.

Although we are controlling our diet because they do not want to spend the calories, we must never stop eating dinner, although this may be a light dinner.

We have already explained that the key to a balanced diet that allows us to gradually lose weight, is to divide our amount recommended / day over five meals calories: the three main (breakfast, lunch and dinner), plus two snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon).

The importance of these five meals is due to several factors:

- If we only do three meals a day, get to the next meal very hungry, so we run the risk of binge eating and, since the mechanism our body to detect satiety, not acting up after 15 minutes after start eating, almost certainly we we weat much more food than necessary.

- If we only do three meals a day, our body senses that there is a large number of hours has not been fed, so it starts up the mechanism to "save" and store fat for times of scarcity.

- If we only do three meals a day will be produced in our body peaks of insulin and glucagon. This, in addition to influencing the tendency to gain weight, increases the risk, eventually, diabetes.

These are just some of the reasons why we should eat frequently and do not skip meals. Dinner, therefore it plays a very important role, because if not we have dinner, spend a excessive hours between the last meal and breakfast the next.
Examples of light and healthy dinners
light and healthy dinners

light and healthy dinners

If you want dinner, but something light, you can draw some ideas that we show below.

- 1 Light Dinner: Cauliflower braised with garlic and a can of tuna natural. Nonfat yogurt

- Light Dinner 2: Green beans. A slice of turkey ham. Piece of cheese. An orange

- Light Dinner 3: sandwich with lettuce, tomato and asparagus with boiled egg and tuna natural. Light cream chocolate

- Light Dinner 4: eggplant and grilled zucchini. Sepia or grilled squid. A pear

- Light Dinner 5: Mixed salad with egg and cheese. A bowl of strawberries

- Light Dinner 6: Scrambled eggs with asparagus ( "scrambled eggs" can make two clear only, discarding the yolks, or one egg and two egg whites). Nonfat yogurt

- Light Dinner 7: Gazpacho. Chicken breast grilled. some plums

Caramelized onion. recipe suitable for diabetics

Diabetics are people with many dietary restrictions and caramelized onions is one of these. The recipe I present below does not require sugar, so it is suitable for all kinds of people, plus it helps us reduce calories.

Caramelized onions recipe without sugar

Ingredients and procedure:

    We will need approximately preferably big fat onions.
    Let's cut the two hard ends and remove the skin.
    Chop sliced ​​with a mandolin or any knife.
    Put them in a microwavable bowl with a lid and is spacious.

Caramelized onion

    Put them in the microwave without any power and cook for 10 minutes.
    When you finish the first 10 minutes, open, stir and give 10 minutes.
    If after that time, still hard, stir and leave again for 10 minutes má
    Remove them as they have released 92% of the water they contain.
    We proceed after drain, to brown them.

    In a large pot, put 5 tablespoons olive oil 100% virgin, heat over low heat until smoking and pour the onions. Cover and cook over high heat, uncover and occasionally move with a wooden spoon.
    So we will revise from time to time and moving until golden brown.
    When they start to brown, he got off the fire.
    Let slowly stirring until completely see the caramelized onions.
    Do not be surprised by the amount you see, 1kg. Onion yields only 350g or less, as their water content is almost entirely.

These onions can be stored and freeze perfectly. You developed this recipe for caramelized onions greatly you reduce the calories generated eat caramelized onions, since olive oil replaces butter that were produced, have not a gram of sugar and most importantly not interfere with your health.

Fast foods, can be healthy?

Yes, here the answer you wanted. Fast food is very easy to do, but often is not as healthy and stay away from these foods would be very boring. Here we suggest that fast food can be healthy and homemade.

fast and healthy food you can do at home

    healthy burgers:

These are par excellence the most appetizing fast food we found in the street, but you can make them at home with a lot of flavor and low in calories.

    With excellent quality lean meat and you can make circles the size you prefer, seasoned to taste and cook when you can do on the grill or in the oven.
    Another option could be to replace the meat plant.
    Use wholemeal bread, pita bread or lettuce instead of using the classic white bread.

Fast food can be healthy

Fast food can be healthy

    Add your burger many vegetables, tomatoes, different types of lettuce, onions ...
    If you want to accompany potatoes, my recommendation is not cold; put them on a tray with baking paper and drizzle with a little olive oil.
    Try to vary the types of meat for your burgers such as salmon loin, turkey, chicken, etc.

    healthy pizzas:

This is another delirious dish to which we are accustomed to eating on the street, but you can do at home healthier. Notice!

    Choose bread or pita bread basis for a full pizza.
    Use paper or nonstick baking spray on trays.
    Prefer meat or chicken before quee sausages.
    Decreases the amount of cheese on the pizza and even you can do it without cheese or low-fat one.
    You can make a vegetarian pizza instead of using meat.

And so you can see how they can be healthy fast food if you prepare at home, leaving certain occasions they eat on the street and waiting for the big moment to reward for good food you've ever had.

Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

Sushi calories. It is not always the same

Have you ever wondered how many calories are sushi? First we explain that it is the sushi. Sushi has become in recent times in the gastronomic revolution in the world, the Japanese know how to sell to other people a fish dish usually covered raw rice. The word sushi vinegar derived from Japanese rice is His and is Shi.

The famous dishes combined with seaweed, vegetables and succulent dressings have earned diners delicious taste, but we stopped for a moment to detail the amount of calories sushi?

Here I present a series of data that you must take into consideration include the sushi food.
Let's talk about calories and nutrition Sushi

Quintessential this is a food rich in vitamins such as Omega 3 and protein contains low fat levels, depending on their combination provides fiber and vitamins such as A, B and C.

There are several types of sushi as their preparation:

    Maki, a rolled rice Nori.
    The Roll, which is only rolled rice and its filling inside fish, algae and plants.
    The Nigri, or oval small portion of rice with a thin slice of fish on top.
    Temaki, like Maki Nori seaweed with the same but in a conical shape.
    Sashimi, raw fish pieces or finely chopped.
    Tempura, which is fish wrapped in seaweed and bread crumbs that is fried in hot oil then.

Sushi Calories

Sushi Calories

The amount of sushi calories will depend directly on the type, the amount consumed and the size of the portions, as well as the quality and type of fish used for processing. For example, the calories of salmon that is rich in good fats contributes about 50 calories per bite. If we eat between 6 or 9 pieces we would be consuming around 300-450 calories.

I'll introduce the calories they contain some types of sushi, reminding them that is an estimate for each piece of the ration:

    Tuna 45 calories
    Squids 40 calories
    Surimi 40 calories
    Mackerel 50 calories
    Salmon 50 calories
    40 calories shrimp
    Sushi with salmon eggs 35 calories
    25 calories cucumber maki
    California Maki 45 calories
    Tempura 100 calories

Once presented sushi calories, you remember to eat a whole piece of sushi that usually are 8 snacks might be consuming the same amount of calories as a hamburger small.

Eating sushi provides many benefits, but if yours are strict diets this is not a good food to include in it, at least not with high frequency.

And remember that before dieting and counting calories is the most important health.

Senin, 09 Mei 2016

Pros and cons of the products that make you lose weight

Let's see what they are products on the market that promise to lose weight and get into better shape, whether pills or weight loss product, are classified according to which slimming effect.
Risk taking slimming products fast without medical consultation or prescription: Advantages and disadvantages slimming products fast
The consumption of slimming products without a doctor's guidance can cause the opposite effect to that intended, ie, rebound effect, and in worst cases can suffer cramps, weakness, dizziness, thirst, vomiting, etc.
They are those that cause elimination of water and sodium in the body:
Advantages: Diuretics are recommended for people suffering from digestive problems such as constipation or fluid retention.
Disadvantages: do not work for weight loss, however much they are promoted and say that removes fat from the body. What if do is cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances when disposing of body fluids, then weight loss is temporary and diuretic recover before long.
Appetite suppressants
They serve to moderate the appetite based fiber extending in the stomach:
Advantages: once taken provides the feeling of satiety.
Disadvantages: It is not recommended for sensitive intestines, can not be consumed in large quantities if they are not used. Sometimes usually affect the nervous system causing insomnia, increased blood pressure, nervousness, tachycardia and addiction.
Fat burners
They are used to prevent or decrease the absorption of fats in the body, more specifically in the intestine:
Advantages: serve in some severe cases of overweight.
Disadvantages: some of the fat burners do not have support or foundations to ensure its results.
Other products
Laxatives are good to stimulate and facilitate bowel evacuation, they are indicated for cases of constipation and not for weight loss.
Naturists products are not regulated by anyone and sometimes not contain what their labels.
Be sure to have the advice of a health professional and if you recommend a product, it must be reliability.

Better safe weight loss, exercise and avoid sedentary lifestyle, drink water daily, avoid street food or very greasy, eat fruits and vegetables, eat healthily, etc.

Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

Importance of burning calories

Calories are energy obtained from food, these calories are needed for the human body, since it allows to perform functions related to metabolism, physical activity and body repair, mainly their tissues.

Because it is important to burn calories

Itself the calories are not bad, our body needs to burn Because trans for is important however bags calories energy consume many calories and not burn with physical activity or exercise can cause weight gain.

That is why the importance of burning calories, it would be ideal to avoid overweight or obese in the future, on the other hand if we are not happy with our weight, are important calories you burn to lose weight and stay in shape and have a good look.

In conclusion, the importance of burning calories is to avoid overweight or obese, how to burn is by constant exercise, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and bring good nutrition.